- In RainbewLatte
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I guess there's still direction in being lost.
College Stories(Memories of Finn)Q2
: In Rain. by RainbewLatte

I guess there’s still direction in being lost. I was idly walking in the rain with my “sky-patterned” umbrella (whatever that entails) on my way to class (which was on the complete other side of the school from my dorm) listening to Bibi’s “Restless” and whatever else I usually listen to (a mixed array of mish mash) as I ate away at a butter croissant I got this morning, recognizing just how far I strayed from my usual routine.

Sometimes life is just off.

Listening to my music with nothing better to do as I inched ever closer to the art building (Dowd), I realized that rather than eating a yogurt parfait (something I’ve basically routinely eaten every day for breakfast for the past two weeks), I was eating a butter croissant, and beyond that, I forgot to read Ross Gay (a delight in his Book of Delights) before I left for class, and I would be lying if I didn’t say that sort of bugged me.

Has that aspect of school already caught up to me? Has it really begun?

Despite the gnawing feelings within me, some days will inevitably play themselves out like this.

Some days, it's just harder to be happy. Some days, you just have to learn to get by.

However, it was then and there that I started to recognize the world around me, admiring the beauty within this gentle rain. It was raining hard enough that I found the use of my umbrella necessary. The greens, the purples, and the browns, the people, the pathways, and the pattering of rain.

Walking down the large paved pathway to class where plenty roamed and skateboarders “flew” (soared, perhaps zoomed), I watched as a squirrel, sort of lost, it seemed, ran beside me as if it wanted to accompany me on this journey. And I guess in its unknowing (unless it truly was following me after my croissant, perhaps muttering “feed me”), it will never truly know or understand how much it delighted me.

It was like the glimmer of the sun in the midst of rain and the reassurance that there’s an end to pain. Life happens, and it’s okay if you aren’t always able to stick to your routine(s). Sometimes you just have to learn to adapt and run free.


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