- From Gaffs to Laughs vs. Donald by Reese Turner
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted
So glad I lived long enough to see this one!
From Gaffs to Laughs vs. Donald by Reese Turner
Political 5-7-5 #4 writing prompt entry

Biden now Hidin’

Kamala now the “fella”

Don just havin’ fun!

Writing Prompt

Write a 5-7-5 about any political topic. Humor and wordplay are encouraged. Non-blind contest.

Previous political contest listings:
Political 5-7-5 #3
Political 5-7-5 #2
Political 5-7-5 #1

Author Notes
Can Trump tackle the cackle?
Will he spin the grin?
Will voters recognize her extreme liberalism and how much it will cost our nation in TAXES and INFLATION?
Will they understand the "Immigration Czar" is well below par?


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