- Time Changeby Wils
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100 words
Time Change by Wils
100 Word Dash writing prompt entry


Mary couldn’t help but remember the words of her old English teacher. He had just become a father and rushed into class that morning looking like it; bursting with pride and with a beaming smile. Looking around at his students he announced “Boys, make sure you’re in the room when your wife gives birth. It is amazing!”

Mary grasped her daughter’s hand as the girl gave another push for life. Her son-in-law, wanting to see everything, was at the other end while her husband was trying to tell the doctors what to do. Things had certainly changed in forty years

Writing Prompt
Take flash fiction to the extreme. Can you tell a complete story in just 100 words. If so, this is your opportunity to shine. The story can be about any subject you wish, creative approaches are of course encouraged. All stories must have the following: Main Character, Setting, Conflict, Resolution.


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