- what melts your heartby Snowball30
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Questions about emotional events
what melts your heart by Snowball30

What melts your heart?
What makes your eyes well up,
brings that lump to your throat
and feels you with tenderness?
A baby nestling at the breast?
Chicks hatching in the nest?
A new born lamb in early spring,
Your child's laughter on a swing/
A tearful infant in a cot?
A family photo long forgot?
An injured youngster's plucky smile?
 Your daughter walking down the aisle?
A young toddler's sleepy yawn?
A thrush's song in early morn?
A Shetland pony trotting past?
Your nation's flag upon a mast?
A mother's pride in her soldier son
defying all the tears to run
Head held high, ignoring grief
with trembling hands gripping wreath?
What melts your heart?
 Young lovers torn apart
wth problems no-ones heeding
in a novel you are reading?
What melts your heart?
A film where someone's dying
with the family all around,
holding hands and trying 
to make no sobbing sound?
What melts your heart
may be different from above,
but of one thing l am certain
each is a sign of love!


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