- The Merciless Editorby Verna Cole Mitchell
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The Merciless Editor by Verna Cole Mitchell
Rhyming Poetry Contest contest entry
Artwork by VMarguarite at

"Oh me, oh my!" said the editor.
"Correcting this is quite the chore.

Is this the best that you can muster?
This story's totally lackluster.

The writing is so uninspired;
Just reading through it makes me tired.

It's my job to inform you that
Your characters are cardboard-flat.

Their dialogue is somewhat static,
Their interaction, problematic.

And can't you tell this phrase is wrong?
It's hackneyed as a country song.

The verbs you've used are lacking action;
Your adjectives are pure distraction.

Descriptions here are not poetic;
I'd say that they're downright pathetic.

Your plot line wanders round and round.
No resolution can be found.

Your thoughts are not original.
I see no spark of life at all.

I'm trying here to be polite,
But I insist that you rewrite.

In fact, I have a better plan:
Throw this away. Begin again."
. . . . .

For criticism that's dispersed,
My inner editor's the worst.


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