- Unfinished Brushstrokes Chap 24by Begin Again
This work has reached the exceptional level
Eleanor's Secret
Unfinished Brushstrokes
: Unfinished Brushstrokes Chap 24 by Begin Again

"Sounds like you've been a very busy lady the last few days, Eleanor. I am amazed at the change in you since you passed." Helen's eyes twinkled as she gazed at her friend.

"I'm satisfied with Judge Doyle's comeuppance. They may not prove he was responsible for my murder, but with Megan's testimony and a few other girls, they'll get him on trafficking. I heard that Nick was able to tell them Doyle's connection and the part Jackson played, so the art ring in Bayside should disappear soon. Not a bad few days' work." Eleanor cocked her head, pretending to be very smug.

"A regular crime fighter!" Helen laughed.

"If I had known I had all this piss and vinegar in me, I might not have stayed locked behind closed doors with my paintings, shutting people out." A flash of sadness passed through her eyes.

"Don't be so hard on yourself, my friend. You didn't shut everyone out." Helen poured each of them another cup of tea. "I always knew our bond was for life —" Helen chuckled. "And I guess the hereafter too."

Eleanor laughed with her friend. "I told you that you'd never get rid of me."

"And I would never want to." Helen smiled. "You didn't shut Jenna out either. I remember how shocked you were to learn she had bought the house next door to you. I told you it was meant to be. I think you should have told her the truth, then."

"I couldn't, Helen. I was so afraid she might turn away from me, and by the time we'd found out how much we enjoyed each other, I felt it was too late to tell her."

"Your time is running out. You've brought the family back together and finished up what you needed to do."

"Not quite. I need to settle things with Jenna."

"Eleanor, you've always cared for Jenna. You did what you thought was best for her by giving her up for adoption. But she needs to know the truth now," Helen said. "Give her the scrapbook. Let her see the letters and the memories you've kept all these years."

Eleanor nodded, her spectral form trembling. "But what if she hates me, Helen? What if she can't forgive me for leaving her?"

Helen's gaze softened. "She may be hurt, and she may need time to understand. But the truth is important. She deserves to know the love you always had for her and the sacrifices you made. Hiding it won't protect her anymore."

Eleanor nodded. "You've always been such a good friend. I couldn't ask for anyone better."

Helen reached out and gently touched the package. "I'll deliver this. You can give her time to process everything before you talk to her. It's going to be alright, Eleanor. Jenna loves you."

"Thank you. It needs to be done so she can choose to see Charles if she wants. Dylan will be going home soon, I imagine, since the art theft is solved, at least here."

"You know I will remain close to Jenna, if that's what she wants. She'll feel lost for a time, but she's young, and who knows what life will bring."

"I'll never be too far away — from either of you."

Later that day, Helen kept her promise and arrived at Jenna's doorstep, carefully holding the package. She knocked softly, and Jenna answered the door.

"Helen, what a lovely surprise."

Helen smiled. "I've something for you, Jenna."

"Another package? It's not my birthday. I've been reading the letters you brought me. I am so thankful for having the chance to learn more about Eleanor and who she was."

"I'm glad to hear that. This package contains a lifetime of memories, Jenna. It was something very important to Eleanor. Please, take your time and go through it."

"Please come in. We can have tea and open it together."

Helen shook her head. "It's something you need to see for yourself. I'll come back another day if you'd like, but for now, I'll leave you to open it alone. Just know that this comes with a lot of love and a need for understanding."

Curious, Jenna took the package and Helen said her goodbyes, praying Jenna and Eleanor would be alright.


Jenna sat on her living room couch, the package resting on her lap. She carefully untied the twine and unwrapped the brown paper. On top, she found a letter pinned to a tiny pink blanket. With trembling hands, she lifted the blanket to her face, sensing it had belonged to Eleanor's baby. Next, she opened the letter.

My Dearest Jennifer,

As you read these words, I hope you feel the love that has been with you since the very beginning. Wrapped in this pink blanket, you are a precious gift, and I want to share a part of your story that has been written with joy and sorrow.

I loved your father, Charles, with a depth that words cannot fully express. Our love was a beautiful and profound bond, one that the war could not sever in spirit, though it did in time and distance. We dreamed of a life together filled with all the joys and adventures we imagined. But the world had different plans for us, and the separation was a heartache I carried with me daily.

When I learned I was to bring you into the world, it was both a blessing and a challenge. The decision to let you go, to place you in the loving arms of another family, was one of the hardest choices I ever made. I wanted more than anything to keep you close, to hold you and nurture you as I had always hoped. Yet, I knew the circumstances would not allow me to provide the life you deserved, the security and love that you needed.

Though it pained me deeply, I made this choice because I wanted the very best for you. Your new family will love you with the same intensity that Charles and I shared, and I have faith that they will give you the nurturing and care that I would have cherished to offer.

Know that you are surrounded by love and that you come from a place of great affection and hope. This pink blanket symbolizes the warmth and love I have for you and reminds me of the dreams I had for us.

May your life be filled with happiness and may you always remember that you are deeply loved, both by me and by the family who now has the privilege of caring for you.

With all my love and endless blessings,


Inside, she found another small note —

Dear Tom and Nancy,

I am writing to you with a heart full of hope and gratitude. As you welcome my precious baby into your life, I want to share with you my deepest wishes for her future.

She is a beautiful and special soul, and I trust that she will bring immense joy to your home. My greatest hope is that you will provide her with a life filled with love, security, and endless opportunities. Nurture her curiosity, support her dreams, and cherish each moment with her.

Please know that in giving her up for adoption, I am placing her into your loving care with the utmost confidence that you will give her the happiness and support that I, unfortunately, could not. She is a treasure, and I am grateful to you for opening your hearts to her.

May your family be blessed with all the love and joy she will surely bring into your lives. Thank you for embracing her with open arms and giving her the future she deserves.

With heartfelt appreciation,

Eleanor Bennett

P.S. I've been told that you changed her name from Jennifer to Jenna. It's a beautiful name for a precious little girl.

The trickle of tears on Jenna's cheeks turned into a flood as she suddenly realized that she was Eleanor's daughter.

Through her tears, she reread the letter addressed to Tom and Nancy — her adoptive parents. They had given her the life that Eleanor had asked for, and she would be forever grateful, but the letter said much more. It told Jenna how difficult it had been for Eleanor, but she'd wanted the best for her baby and willingly gave her that, regardless of the pain she suffered.

Jenna lifted the scrapbook from the box. As she flipped through the pages, her eyes widened in amazement. It was filled with photos and letters documenting her life — every major event, every milestone. Someone close to Jenna and her family had secretly been following her life, capturing every moment and giving them to Eleanor. In the pocket of the scrapbook, she found folded notes. She opened each one and read —

Dear Miss Eleanor,

I am pleased to inform you that Jenna, now two years old, is thriving in her adoptive home. She is a bright and cheerful child, full of energy. Her adoptive parents, the Thompsons, adore her and are providing a loving and nurturing environment. They recently took her to the zoo, where she was particularly fascinated by the elephants.


Dear Miss Eleanor,

Jenna is now eight years old and doing exceptionally well in school. Her teachers describe her as a diligent student with a keen interest in reading and science. She recently won a spelling bee at her school, much to the pride of her adoptive parents. She also enjoys playing the piano and has begun taking lessons.


Dear Miss Eleanor,

Jenna graduated from high school with honors this past month and has been accepted to a prestigious university to study journalism. She delivered a moving valedictory speech, emphasizing the importance of truth and integrity. Her adoptive parents were beaming with pride, and it was clear that Jenna has a bright future ahead.


Dear Miss Eleanor,

Jenna has recently begun her career as a journalist and has already made a name for herself with a series of investigative articles. She remains passionate about uncovering the truth and has a strong moral compass. She lives independently now and maintains a close relationship with her adoptive parents.


Dear Miss Eleanor,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am pleased to inform you that Jenna has recently taken up painting as a hobby. She has shown remarkable talent and passion for it. In a recent development, she has decided to move to a quieter neighborhood to focus on her art.


Dear Miss Eleanor,

I am writing to let you know that Jenna has moved into her new home. Interestingly, it is located in a neighborhood that is known for its artistic community. She is settling in well and has already made some new friends. Jenna finds the environment quite inspiring for her painting.


Dear Miss Eleanor

I have an exciting update for you. Jenna has become quite close to one of her new neighbors, a kind woman who shares her passion for painting. They have been spending a lot of time together, and Jenna speaks very highly of her. She mentions that this new friend has been a wonderful mentor in her artistic journey.


Jenna couldn't stop the tears as she realized that Eleanor probably hadn't expected fate to bring her precious child to her as a neighbor. She wondered what a shock that must have been.


Dear Miss Eleanor,

I hope this message brings you joy. It appears that Jenna's new friend and painting mentor is none other than you. Jenna is thrilled about the friendship she has formed with you, without knowing your true relationship. She deeply admires your talent and kindness. I thought you would appreciate knowing the wonderful bond you have unknowingly formed with your daughter.


Dear Miss Eleanor,

Following up on my previous letter, I have received more heartwarming news. Jenna continues to flourish in her painting under your guidance. She has expressed how much she values your friendship and support. It is clear that you two are developing a special bond, which I believe will only grow stronger as time passes.

Emotionally exhausted, Jenna held the pink blanket against her face and fell asleep, her head filled with a lifetime of dreams.


Later that evening, as Jenna sat in her living room, still reeling from the revelations in the scrapbook, she felt a gentle, familiar presence. She looked up to see Eleanor's ghostly form shimmering softly in the dim light.

"Eleanor," Jenna whispered, her voice thick with emotion.

Eleanor allowed her earthly form to take shape before she spoke, "Jenna, I'm so sorry for not telling you sooner."

Jenna wiped her tears, trying to steady her voice. "Why didn't you? Why did you keep this from me?"

Eleanor's eyes flickered with regret. "I was scared, Jenna. I didn't want to disrupt your life or cause you pain. But you needed to know the truth, especially now with Charles."

Jenna's eyes filled with fresh tears as she looked at Eleanor. "I read everything. I understand why you did what you did. But it doesn't make it any less painful. It was only by fate that I moved next door."

Eleanor nodded, her own tears shimmering in the light. "I never stopped loving you, Jenna. Every day, I thought of you. I kept those memories because they were all I had."

Jenna took a deep breath. "I've come to love you dearly, Eleanor. You've been like a mother to me already. And now, knowing the truth, it just makes me appreciate you more."

Eleanor's eyes brightened with relief and hope. "Thank you, Jenna. That means more to me than you'll ever know. And Charles... he's your father. He needs to know, too."

Author Notes
Eleanor Bennett alias (CJ Grey) - a woman of mystery
Margaret Ashley - Eleanor's sister
Megan Ashley - Margaret's daughter
Trevor Ashley - Margaret's son
Jonathon Williams - Eleanor's brother
Audrey and Jackson Mayfield - Art Gallery Owners
Peter - sales associate at gallery
Matthew Donatelli - Detective
Olivia Esposito - Female detective with Donatelli
Garth Woodman - FBI Agent -
Tango and Poppa - FBI Agents and Garth's sidekicks
Jenna Bradford - neighbor/friend and confidanct of Eleanor Bennett
Danny Veraci - casino owner and crime boss
Charles Weldon - A reknown artist and a memory from the past
Dylan Weldon - Charle's nephew and protege
Judge John Doyle - a prominent member of the judicial court and a crook
Nick - the charming guy at the party
Helen - Eleanor's life time friend


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