- God Waits for Meby John Cranford
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The Fruit of the Spirit
God Waits for Me by John Cranford
Faith Poetry Contest contest entry

Why do I have to wait to see
What things God has in store for me?
Why don't I hear what He has to say
As I lift my prayers to Him each day?

Does His silence mean He doesn't care?
Does He even hear my soulful prayer?
Am I the one who sets the time
For Him to bless this hill I climb?

I have a purpose, for that I'm sure,
And there are trials I must endure.
He may wait longer than I desire,
But unlike me, He doesn't tire.

He is the gard'ner of my soul,
A ripened fruit, that is His goal.
I've learned it takes time to fill His bowl
With gentleness, love, and self-control.

So, when I think He's overdue,
And in the cracks my prayers fall through,
It's not that I wait for Him, you see.
It's that He patiently waits for me.



Author Notes
"Therefore the Lord waits to be gracious to you, and therefore He exalts Himself to show mercy to you..." --Isaiah 30:18.

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control."-- Galatians 5:22-23.

The above verses list those qualities as "the fruit of the Spirit" that grows from a close connection to and faith in Jesus Christ.

Artwork compliments of Pinterest.


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