- The Cycleby Rene Tyo
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One life ends, others continue.
The Cycle by Rene Tyo
75 Word Flash writing prompt entry

There would be no solace in these warm legs. Watchful eyes ensured that was the case. The hunters looked on with savage intent.

Finally, Esra, an antelope doe rolled over and exhaled her final, faltering breath, her injuries fatal. The grip on her calf, Minto slackened. Minto stood and quickly scampered away. The lion pride male, Benroy, roared his approval. The pride descended on the fallen prey.

The life cycle upon the African plain continued.

Writing Prompt
Can you tell a complete story with just 75 words? That is the challenge of this flash fiction contest. Title not included in word count.

Author Notes
When I entered this story in the body section, it said approximately 79 words, I can assure you it is exactly 75. I had to pare it down to the proper contest length from an original 102. Writing with such a small word count is a challenge when conveying a complete story. I hope this piece holds up well.


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