- Jewish Mommieby jmdg1954
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Jewish Mommie by jmdg1954


In a review and follow-up commentary on my post Finally Back, she coined herself as a Jewish Mommie who has not had a man cook for her in a few decades. That line made me … lehitztachek (laugh to oneself). Though we are hundreds of miles apart, per your request, this one’s for you Momma...

SALMON… there are many wonderful methods to prepare salmon- 

  • bake it, 
  • broil it, 
  • pan sear it,
  • or steam it.   

I can list pros and cons for each method, but why bore you anymore then you already are.

Salmon, generally is served as the main protein and accompanied with vegetables and a starch. 

Another delicious way to serve salmon is tossed in with pasta. 

The problem with serving salmon with pasta is threefold:

  1. Determining how you should cook the salmon,
  2. The variable is the sauce; red, creamy, spicy or mild.
  3. What pasta will you need based upon #’s 1&2?

I will savor a salmon and pasta fusion for another day.

In order to make this dinner, Mommie special, a bottle of Herzog Special Reserve Alexander Valley Cabernet Sauvignon pairs well with salmon. 

Therefore, like good friends, they bring out the best in each other.

Unfortunately I do not have a bottle of this Herzog Special Reserve, but what I do have is a bottle of Bombay-Saphire gin… a nice two finger pour in my favorite glass and we’re off and grilling!

L’chayim…  the toast of life…

Back to the Jewish Mommies salmon.

In my opinion, (and after 45 years of marriage I forget what having one is) the best ways to cook salmon is on the grill, or in a Lodge cast iron skillet.

super easy jewel of the waters dinner option that will earn highly anticipated lip-smacking praise and kisses!


First we need to make a flavorful marinade. 

  • In a large bowl, whisk together olive oil, minced garlic, soy sauce, brown sugar, Dijon mustard, chopped parsley, chopped thyme, salt and pepper. 
  • Next, add the salmon to the bowl. Be sure to brush the salmon with this marinade. 
  • Marinate for at least 1 hour, preferably 2-3 hours. When the fish finishes soaking in all that flavor, remove it from the marinade.
  • Place the salmon - SKIN SIDE DOWN- on your grill, (which you’ve already preheated… duh)
  • Grill the fish until done, then serve with lemon wedges and enjoy.

If you’ve marinated the salmon and waited the 1-2 hours, what the heck, another two finger pour of Bombay-Sapphire gin is long overdue as is the music.

Let’s blast some tunes from my single days, a little BTO, Bachman–Turner Overdrive and Takin’ Care of Business…

Temping your salmon - 

Insert the thermometer into the thickest part of the fish and make sure it reads at least 145°F (63°C). Watch the color: As salmon cooks, its color changes from translucent to opaque.

Note : 

You do not have to flip salmon when grilling. If you prefer grill marks on both sides of your fish, place salmon on oiled, heated grill. Once the salmon releases itself from the grates, flip gently using a wide spatula.

To accompany this grilled salmon performance, let’s go Italian and we will call it, Trofie al Pesto. I can hear the jeers in the background already, because this side dish includes two starches. That’s right, two. Trofie, a short thin fresh pasta noodle with a twist and potatoes. Still afraid?

Though this is not complicated to make, there are many steps. I’ll run through it quickly. If anyone wants further instructions, feel free to PM me.

  1. Cook the Trofie pasta according to directions. When done, place them in a large bowl and toss with olive oil to keep them from becoming one solid block of pasta. RETAIN THE PASTA WATER.
  2. Boil your already cubed potatoes in the pasta water. Mm mm good, starch on starch. Taste the water as you may require a bit more salt. Cook potatoes on a soft boil for 20 minutes. Carefully remove and add them to the pasta bowl.
  3. As the pasta and potatoes are cooking, sauté your snipped green beans, using olive oil with fresh sliced garlic and thinly sliced red onion until the green beans are almost out of firmness.
  4. Add these to the Trofie and potatoes, then add a generous amount of basil pesto and toss till coated. 

Note: store bought jar pesto will do just fine, ie. Mezzetta, Botticelli, Cento and Barilla to name a few brands. Notice the vowels at the end of each brand. What does that tell you?

It’s a-talian ….
Now, Jewish Mommie… siediti e mangia bene.


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