- Odilo Globocnik by jim vecchio
This work has reached the exceptional level
Horror of The Holocaust
Odilo Globocnik by jim vecchio
Teach Me Something (2) writing prompt entry

Ecclesiastes 8:11 states  “Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil.”

What could set the heart of a man to conspire to break up whole families, torture and abuse, destroy thousands of innocent God-fearing humans just because of a particular social prejudice?

Described as “energetic” and “dynamic”, this man used his prowess towards the extermination of many Jewish families.

Perhaps one indication of his hatred was that Odilo himself was ridiculed for his Slavic surname. Nazi’s considered Slavs to be sub-human.

Aryans did harm to so many Slavic children. In reality, the Slavs, more than the German peoples, were descended from the Yamnaya population, once considered Aryans.

Following some jail time, Globocnik served with distinction in the German invasion of Poland.

Globocnik began construction on Belzec, the first concentration camp. He rose in the ranks of the SS and police.

He once stated, “The evacuated Jews should feed themselves and be supported by their countrymen, as these Jews have enough [food]. If this does not succeed, one should let them starve."

Globocnik was responsible for liquidating the Warsaw Ghetto, which contained about 500,000 Jews. Similarly, the Bialystok Ghetto.

He also implemented forced labor camps, being in charge pf 45,000 forced laborers. It is felt Globocnik originated the notion of the Extermination Camp.

Truth be told, Globocnik had on his conscience (or lack, thereof) the killing of more than 1.5 million Polish, Slovak, Czech, Dutch, French, Russian, German, and Austrian Jews in death camps.

Globocnik was tracked down by the British in May, 1945, and committed suicide by cyanide.

A priest refused to have his body buried on consecrated ground, so he purportedly was buried outside the cemetery with no fanfare.

However, there are some reports that the death was fabricated, and that Globocnik survived those war years.

Regardless of his fate, Odilo Globocnik had to face a God of Wrath, rather than a God of Love, and now is himself in torment for Eternity.

Writing Prompt
In this round of Teach Me Something, the theme is writing.

Ex: How To--
Craft great comedy, horror, true crime, suspense thriller, etc., or some aspect of it.
Write effective dialogue, character/plot development, world building, etc., or some aspect of it.
Write specific forms of poetry or poetic devices (eg. alliteration, assonance, consonance)
Use literary devices (eg. irony, foreshadowing)
Grammar/mechanics (eg. Use of commas, hyphens, italics, word choice, spelling tips for tricky words)

**Choose a topic you know or have experience with
**Write a tutorial or tips for others to learn about or improve some facet of their writing
**Your title or subtitle should say what that topic is
**Recommended word count: 100-1000 words

Author Notes

I am not certain if this topic applies to the rules of this contest. I submit it in hopes this terrible, heinous time of History will NEVER be repeated.


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