- Butterfly Birthdayby Debi Pick Marquette
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This is for LJ Butterfly
Butterfly Birthday by Debi Pick Marquette

This morning when the sun came out

To rise in multi~colored sky

It told what this day's all about 

It's for our LJButterfly

Lorraine comes from the sunshine state

It's palm trees, ocean and the sun

These F~words can help to relate

For Florida is Full of Fun

An Earth Angel with a big heart

She's friendship filled with sweet surprise

Her pen~name tells how change was part

Of her life and the butterflies

She loves things that are beautiful

It's not about what man has made

It's Nature, flowers, rabbit hole

Eternal life that Jesus paid

So Happy Birthday Dear Lorraine

Our butterfly who makes our day

We'll always want you to remain

Please say you'll never fly away


Author Notes
Many ask who these poems are for, and as always the pen~name is in description.

Lorraine had a biolographical poem last year and asked me to do something more cheerful this year,

If you would like a tribute/birthday poem written, (makes no difference if you had one already or not) please PM me and let me know the date. I would be happy to do one for you.


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