- Please Release Meby Tom Horonzy
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A Spirit's Request
Please Release Me by Tom Horonzy
The Door Slammed writing prompt entry


The Door Slammed, echoing down the long hall.


After my host decided to leave the scene unexpectedly. He never gave fair warning. Thus, I failed to pack my bags and was left behind in a shell that smelled until a mortician did his thing. That may preserve my domicile for a little while, but given thought, I should have left when he did. Now, I don't know when I'll be released from prison. (The caskets closes)


"Hey, out there, can anyone hear me in here?  It would have been nice if you left a light on. I can't see a thing, and my innkeeper is not a conversationalist."


Time passes by. I am unsure how long it has been. I can't read his watch, for the dial isn't phosphorescence. Each second is like an eternity, which is where I'd rather be. 


Suddenly, (without warning, the door reopens) I hear organ music. The viewing room begins to fill with people murmuring. It's hard to hear what is being said as the undertaker undertook stuffing every hole to keep embalming fluid from seeping out. Still, there are things being said about the dead that, if alive, he would dread, for I accompanied him in his crimes before he died. I tried keeping him on the straight and narrow, but having agency, he delighted in diverse perverseness, eating, drinking, and making merry. 


Why should I be the one stuck here until the dead are raised when I'll be accused of the things He did and face the fate of his miscues? I pray. "Lord, release me from this skeleton prior to our being entombed, for I suspect Limbo has to be better than the experience I've had these past few days. At least there, I could cajole with others preparing for their release, right?". 


A mortician approaches with a key in hand to seal the casket wherein I lay, causing me to hurriedly repeat a plea for He to set me free before my companion and I are lowered into a freshly dug hellhole. The Door Slams.


Writing Prompt
Write a story that starts with this sentence: The door slammed, echoing down the long hall.

Don't add to the sentence. The catch is this must be flash fiction. So the story should be between 100 and 1,000 words.

Author Notes
The photo came from and seemed perfect for the piece as it would be dark within a casket.

Also, this challenge comes at the right time, as I wrote this piece two days ago with nowhere to post it.

It is meant to be humorous, as much as philosophical.


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