- How Long Must I Waitby Gypsy Blue Rose
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Free Verse Tercets
2024 Gypsy's Free Verse
: How Long Must I Wait by Gypsy Blue Rose

how long must I wait

for your love letters

that may never come


I die a little every dusk 

waving goodbye

to each unsettling sun


at night I lie awake in bed 

remembering the taste

of your treacherous lies


thinking of your deep blue eyes

filled with midsummer night

and shimmering stars


and by my bed

your dried sunflowers 

bend over with droopy heads




Author Notes
free verse tercets with lowercase and no punctuation

fiction - inspired by Spanish poet, Federico Garcia Lorca

Thank you very much for reading and reviewing my poem


pictures from my pinterest account

poem and presentation by Gypsy Blue Rose - Copyright


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