- On a summer's Dayby NanaGaye
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Him on the water her on the sand
On a summer's Day by NanaGaye
Word Play 3 writing prompt entry
Artwork by VMarguarite at

As he mounted the wave on his surfboard he saw his girl friend wave to him.

Writing Prompt
****Write a single sentence that contains antanaclasis (word or phrase). ****

Antanaclasis: The repeated use of the same word or phrase within a single sentence, but with a different meaning each time; a kind of pun.
Frequently used in political speech and marketing slogans, often for comic effect.
The repeated word(s) must be spelled and pronounced the same. Ex. No spelling difference (paws/pause) or pronunciation difference (REcord, reCORD).

1."We must, indeed, all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately." (Attributed to Ben Franklin at signing of Declaration of Independence)

2."If you aren't fired with enthusiasm, you will be fired, with enthusiasm." (Vince Lombardi)

3."If you don't look good, we don't look good." (Vidal Sassoon ad slogan)

4."People on the go . . . go for Coke." (Coca Cola ad slogan)

Author Notes
He loves the water she prefers the warm sand under her feet. Nice when a couple have their separate interests and are happy seeing each other enjoy their passion.


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