- Who Else But Youby Claire Tennant
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Who Else But You by Claire Tennant
Dear God contest entry
Artwork by StarvinMarvin at

Dear God,

We see buildings on street corners where once congregations met. The buildings now stand like stone, fenced off and alone or used for other purposes. Where people once celebrated Your sacrifice, Your love, and Your protection, life now has a different price, and greed is the motivation.

Now the church members are few but true. For we are still a nation divided by contempt and by the powers that be, who want to be noticed for their own gain and ambition, never mind the monetary or emotional cost. They are not serving the public, and very few serve You. That's how it looks in the land of the Kangaroo, but I suspect worldwide.

Amid this strife, for those of us who believe, there has been spiritual attack, ill health, power play and monetary loss. The atmosphere all round is cold and tiresome. It would be easy to give up just as the enemy desires. Yet this is the great South land of the Holy Spirit and Your plans for us never fail.

You know the needs of my family and friends both here and overseas. Lord, I ask that you would bless them abundantly. Teach me, Lord, to embrace Your word and find the words to bring others to know or want to know You.

Yet I feel your presence right now as a memory returns. Many years ago, as You will know, I had a dream. I had wandered away from a group and walked through a dark tunnel. I was focused on the light from another opening as it guided my steps. It was dark inside. When I was nearing the opening I could see the sky, clear and cloudless. The trees were swaying in the breeze, the grass was green, and a sense of calm overtook me. I continued to walk the long, lonely path in the tunnel, but when I got to the opening, it was blocked. I could not understand and looked down, transfixed.

I saw a pair of sandaled feet. I was confused. I looked slowly up to the top, noticing a white robe covering a long body. A beautiful face smiled down at me. Your eyes were dark brown, and your hair was glossy. You called me by name and led me outside. We sat on a bench enjoying one another's company, laughing as friends do.

Suddenly, the scene changed. I stood with the crowd at Calvary Hill dressed as a woman of the era. I watched You climb the hill, the cross on Your back. You came to me again, calling me by name and dropping the cross as though it were the weight of paper. You bent to kiss my cheek, smiled at me and, picked the cross up with ease, and carrying said cross, walked to Your death. I awoke, and all traces of concern had left me. I gave my life to You soon after.

I believe at this moment you have reassured me that You have a plan. You noticed my faith walks, the Bible and worship studies, the worship leading, the full immersion baptism and the growth. You encouraged the beautiful relationship with a man I grew to love and married. I could manage on my own but I have not had to these last twelve years.

Lord, I know you created this world. Your plans for it will succeed
I thank you that despite my doubts, You are still watching over me and mine with a forgiving love.
Your sacrifice at the cross comforts, sustains, and speaks volumes. Who else but You would care?


Author Notes
The church we belong to is going through a difficult time. Rather than risk offending the church family I have used a different scenario, which is a concern. However, the dream mentioned, which I had years ago, came back to me yesterday. It told me that God was in charge. Who else would have remembered the dream and the effects it had when I was young and the comfort it gave me as I wrote?


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