- Gymnists Extraordinaireby BermyBye50
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The Zootopolis Olympics
Gymnists Extraordinaire by BermyBye50
True Humor Flash writing prompt entry


The Savannah Zoo had prepared a spectacular gymnastics show for human visitors, with animal teams performing daring routines. The crowd buzzed with anticipation as the event began.

First up was Leo the Lion on the high bar. With a roar of confidence, he launched himself into the air, swinging powerfully. He completed a perfect double somersault dismount and landed with a flourish flicking his mane.

Next, Ellie the Elephant took to the floor. With surprising elegance, she twirled and tumbled, her trunk lifting her into a handstand and ending with a triumphant split. The humans cheered, marveling at her unexpected nimbleness.

Molly the Monkey took her turn on the uneven bars, flipping and twisting with effortless skill. She swung from bar to bar, performing dazzling flips before sticking a perfect landing.

Gary the Giraffe approached the rings. He began a routine of impressive lifts and holds of strength and flexibility and landed a graceful double layout backward with a double twist.

Zara the Zebra sprung onto the balance beam, her striped coat gleaming. She walked the beam with poise, executing delicate jumps and turns, finishing with a dramatic leap, and a stunning front layout with a half-twist dismount.

Hillary the Hippo thundered towards the vault, her massive form a blur. She launched herself off, performing a graceful flip before landing soft as a feather. The audience applauded, impressed by her power and finesse.

Lenny the Leopard moving with feline precision, took to the parallel bars. He flipped and twisted, landing with a flourish. The audience cheered, admiring his agility.

Finally, Ricky the Rhino approached the vault, snorting and executing a perfect somersault landing with a ground-shaking thump. The crowd went wild, amazed by his athleticism.

The show ended with humans cheering, thoroughly entertained by the zoo animals' incredible gymnastic skills.

Writing Prompt
Brighten our day with a humorous true story. No poetry. 300 words max.


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