- Independence Dayby Debi Pick Marquette
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In Art, the guy in the Navy uniform is my dad at 16
Independence Day by Debi Pick Marquette

America's Fourth of July

For Independence on this Date

Parades and fireworks in the sky

Please teach kids why we celebrate 

My notes tell about Uncle Sam

And why U.S. he represents 

All those who serve can say I am

 A part of July 4th events

My grandpa was in WWI

 And my dad fought in WWII

 A good friend killed by VC gun 

For us, Vietnam took a few

It's two hundred forty~Eight years 

Some served at home, which had to be

Some faced the battle field and fears

'Cause freedom never has been free

So Happy Birthday, Old Glory

May Stars and Stripes forever wave

We truly feel the history

Each time we see a soldier's grave

 I give my thanks to every vet

We're free because of what you've done

Won't take for granted or forget 

'Because that battle's never won



Author Notes
*Someone tried to tell me that they stumbled on my line where I use the word "Fireworks"
Because they thought it was three syllables. Just in case anyone else stumbles, remember to read fire as one syllable.

History of Uncle Sam: During the War of 1812, the United States Army received supplies from a variety of organizations rand individuals, one of which was Samuel Wilson, a meat packer from Troy, New York. He labeled his barrels of beef with to indicate U.S. government property, but soldiers referred to the man as Uncle Sam (Wilson).

What happened to Uncle Sam? In September 1961, the U.S. Congress recognized Samuel Wilson as the progenitor of America's national symbol of Uncle Sam. Wilson died at age 87 in 1854, and was buried next to his wife Betsey Mann in the Oakwood Cemetery in Troy, New York, the town that calls itself. The Home of Uncle Sam.Nov 24, 2000


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