June clouds
hold on to foothill-peaks —
chased by the California sun
Author Notes
My haiku is contemporary because it personifies the clouds, in classic haiku you only write concrete words, things you can see in touch. It has 17 syllables but doesn't have to follow the 5/7/5 form.
Contemporary Haiku is a Japanese short unrhymed poem that uses imagistic language to express the essence of a deeply felt moment in time. It resonates on a deeper level, leaving the reader enlightened and making an insightful connection. The most common literary adaptation in English of haiku looks something like this: one to four lines, no strict syllable count but brief. These poems too utilize a dash before the satori. Images need not be taken from nature, though they may be and often are. Seasonality is optional, though often featured. Is okay to use poetic devices.
in the woodpile
the broken ax handle
Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.
The picture is San Gabriel Mountains National Monument, near my home. - Smithsonian
pictures from my Pinterest account, All parts of my poems and presentations are
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