powerful pages : replicate by thoughtgame2 |
6/17/2024...seven thirty four am. Small quiet breeze coming in my room, carried by invisible rain merchants that no one really pays attention to [smiling]. Its actually very pleasant when you allow it to consume you. I believe I'm not alone when I say, this world just needs to stop spinning for a moment. A complete pause would be great! Give everyone a chance to identify the dusted parts, so the universe can shake them off, completely. Of course its a dream worth dreaming, that will never be anything more. Most of the magnets I see from my minds eyes are trained on a large array of messed up stuff. Pestilence is a word that comes up, which means; deadly disease. Then the other is anomaly, which means; abnormal thing. So here we have a deadly diseased mindset brewing on this planet, causing abnormal things to happen while we do nothing about it...why Is that ?. The killers are still killing with no end in sight, while the so-called super powers are power-less. If I did not witness this atrocity first hand with the rest of the many numb ones around the globe, I would never believe it could happen again, and again. Only this time in my life time. Nothing new to the monsters. When chaos is not happening, they hibernate with their loved one's...who dare seek salvation.
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