- Last Night's dreamby Claire Tennant
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I have an opinion of sorts; but not allowed to vote.
Last Night's dream by Claire Tennant
Biden vs Trump writing prompt entry
Artwork by Jewell McChesney at

I hated to be in a room where three
well-known men with a yen
for politics and circumstance
offered me a pen

'Vote for me!' was their plea
I knew my cue, but what to do
was beyond me
One was old, so I was told
did not impress, for he lacked zest
another it is said a businessman well read
did not give a jot whether I was there or not

The third, to me, is quite well-known
in my opinion, a prize clown
his politics do not succeed
I doubt if he can read
yet this is where I need to vote
but in my Head, a sour note
"You are such a dodo, little Mr Albo"
Could I have said what was in my head?

I know of the three whom I'd rather see
run my chosen country
instead, it has already bled
of pride but not the need to hide
although you think me a chump
of the three, I preferred Trump
Who am I to say what's best?
of politics, I need a rest
In this, I'm sure we take a stand
It's already in the good Lord's hands


Writing Prompt
Write a poem of any type on the topic of Trump vs Biden


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