The choice my friends
Comes down to this:
Two old men
Both past
Their prime time.
One compassionate
Very experienced
Dedicated to trying
To make things better
For the average American.
Yes showing signs
Of his age
Has senior moments.
But is not demented
Still capable of speaking
In complete sentences.
Still in command
of facts and programs.
The other
The former president.
A convicted felon
Fill of anger
And calls for retribution
Against his enemies.
Openly calling for
Authoritarian rule
An admirer of strong men
Wants to turn the us
Into a version of Hungary
and other illiberal democracies.
Wants to deport
Millions of people
Setting up detention camps.
Wants to pull troops out
Of NATO and Korea
And put them on the border.
Determined to shut down
All efforts to deal
With the growing climate crisis.
Drill baby, drill his motto.
Dedicated to turning Americans
Against each other.
Openly disdainful of Muslims
Immigrants and the LGBTQ community
Vowing to declare officially
There are only two genders
Assigned at birth
Making trans status illegal.
Vows to call out the military
To restore law and order
And yes.
He sounds
more and more.
Like he is demented
Incapable of making sense.
Talking about electric boats
And shark attacks
in his rambling incoherent
word salads.
And despite his followers
Believing he is a devoted
He is a poster child
For all the seven deadly sins.
He is not a Christian
Not at all.
Yes, the choice is clear.
Biden for democracy
Trump for neo-fascism.
Americans have a choice
And I pray that they
Make the right choice.