- founding of Jakeismby jake cosmos aller
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founding a new religion for a new era
founding of Jakeism by jake cosmos aller
Spiritual writing prompt entry

One day I woke up

and realized that God

had commissioned me

to form a new religion

for the new era.

For lack of a better term,

I began calling it Jakeism.

I brought together elements

of Buddhism, Confucianism, Christianity,

Hinduism, various new age teachings,

native American traditions,  


and mystic traditions

from Muslim traditions.

I taught the essential unity

of religious thought

and related it to today's

 spiritually empty life.

 I publish a list of spiritual works

 everyone should read

and forms a large part of my services.

I called upon people

 to embrace a new concept of spirituality

 to reconnect to the essential

goodness in humanity

 and to reject

the false promises of materialism.

I self-publish

 "A New Religion for a New Age"

and invite people to come over to discuss

 my teachings

in weekly meetings

at a public park in Berkeley.

 The first lecture had 100 people attending,

 soon there were hundreds

, and we formed a church

and raised funds to buy a meeting spot.

I am called simply Jake

and my followers become

known as Jakeists.

the first service

set the foundation

for other services.

We started with some group chanting,

 and some yoga and Tai Chi.

 Then after an half hour,

 I began to speak

 about my basic philosophical orientation

 and read excerpts

 from the great spiritual works

of mankind always drawing

from Buddhist, Christian,  Hindu,

New Age, and Muslim traditions.

After about a half hour

 I invited members

of the audience to reflect

upon the teachings

and in small groups

 discuss amongst themselves

 what it means to them

and how they will

incorporate the day's lesson

into an action plan.

 Each group reported back

and we ended with a communal potluck meal

 including wine and later smoking weed.

Politically I was progressive

and proud of it but also preached

that each person should find

his or her own political space

and should respect the views of others.

 As an optional event, we began having open debates

where we would bring together diverse viewpoints

and discuss big issues. 

These conversations were recorded

and put on my web page.

The total service took about two hours

and I held services

Saturday, Sunday, and Wednesday nights.

We also preached that people

should get out and enjoy

the great outdoors

and I led hikes throughout the bay area

 that were open to all –

 on the hikes the participants

 had a chance to get to know

their fellows and enjoy the great outdoors.

 The two-hour hikes were held on Saturday

and Sunday mornings starting at 8 am

and finishing by 11 am

when we would reassemble for the services.

 The hikes were held throughout the Berkeley Oakland area

with people assembling at the church at 7 am

for informal carpools to the sites.

The hikes finished by 10

and people were dropped off at the church

by 10:30 and invited to stay

for the service if they wished.

Each service was recorded

and saved on my website

(one of the first religious websites on the web)

 On my website

I had links to all the readings

and a list of what I considered

the best religious

and spiritual writings of all time.

 I also had my favorite music playlists

, and trail guides

 for the twice-weekly hikes.

To pay for the website

and the services I asked for donations.

Once we had a few services

 and it looked like this was going to take of

 I formed a church

and invited my key followers

 to form a church committee

to help manage the church.

I quit my day job to devote myself

to the church

and asked for donations

 for me to be able to do so.

But I vowed to live a simple life.

and so Jakeism was born

and spread rapidly

throughout the West Coast

 at the end of the century.

By 2030

it had become a major force

as millions of people

 were forming their own Jake churches

loosely affiliated with

the Mother Church in Berkeley.

Social conservatives denounced

 my movement

as the biggest threat to traditional values

and noted my support for gay rights,

my public advocacy for drug legalization,

 my opposition to the various wars

and military adventure,

and my leftist ‘woke” political views.

However, the movement continued

 to grow as it meant

 something to people

 and was the fastest

-growing religious movement.

in the world.

Writing Prompt
Write a poem of any type that is spiritual in nature.

Author Notes
from a dream I had a decade ago I also dreamt up Dudeism but there is already a Church of Dude which I joined on line. Based on the teachings of the Dude in the movie the Big Lebowski


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