Morpheus calls,
I head for sleep.
Alertness palls,
I plummet deep
Into Dreamland reality.
Unbridled Id now rules the roost
Fuelling the fire in me.
Libido gives desire a boost.
Seductive angels rise from Hell
Seeking to entrap my soul.
I bid them "go!", I know them well.
They once before my honour stole.
I tell them that I'm bound to God.
their blandishments will not prevail.
They say, "this is a path well trod,
We know you are a weakly male."
I counter, " work your hellish wiles,
My resolution won't succumb.
Your lewd intrigue I'll meet with smiles,
Condemn your tricks to Kingdom come."
They shrink away, those frightful shades
Sink back into infernal night.
My carnal motivation fades,
Replaced by peaceful sleep. Delight!
Author Notes
The unconscious nightly battle between the libidinous forces of Hell and the need to achieve a refreshing, reinvigorating slumber.