- The Bond Beyondby Claire Tennant
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The Bond Beyond by Claire Tennant
Love Poem writing prompt entry

It's the voice of reason when doubts overtake
knowing me, most of my life memories make
shared interests, blessings and grief
choosing words of comfort or belief
remembering me as I was, pulling me through
as though there was little else to do
the encouragement when decisions made
created new chapters and future plans laid
it's sensing fear when facing surgery
sending flowers to cheer me
showing emotion at good news shared
putting paid to moments of despair
knowing we will always be there
caring, praying and aware
life has its battles from which we grow
you've had your burdens too, this I know


Writing Prompt
Write a love poem without using the words love, kiss, romance, soul,heart,boyfriend, girlfriend, husband wife or sexual terms.


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