walking through the forest
embraced by amber dusk
looking for redemption ~
of a flawed past
that's hard to leave behind
Author Notes
As I grow older and wiser, I realize that, for me, is easy to forgive others but hard to forgive myself. There lies the key to finding peace and self-love. For most of my life, I have felt like a broken person and an outsider. I have carried shame since I was a little girl for something that was not my fault. Learning to love myself is hard. It's a work in progress. I don't seek perfection, I want to be whole. Writing in fanstory has helped me very much. I thank all of you who review my work, regardless if I promote my work or not. I appreciate you.
Tanka is a Japanese unrhymed poem having about 12 to 31 syllables usually arranged in five lines and read in about two breaths in length when read aloud. The first poets who wrote tanka imitated the Japanese models of a 5-7-5-7-7 syllabic structure in five lines. This resulted in poems that were too long in comparison to Japanese tanka. The first tanka were padded or chopped to meet the fixed number of syllables. Additionally, the third line must transition from the descriptive and image-focused beginning lines into a reflective metaphor, simile, or personification for the closing lines. The subject matter varies, but most tanka are emotionally stirring or profound, and many are about love. click here if you want to read modern tanka examples === click here to read Tanka Society of America === click here if you want to read modern tanka rules
Thank you very much for your time and kind review.
"The Christ in me sees the Christ in you." - John 5:16-30; also, it's a bible verse we say at the end of mass at the Unity Church.
pictures from my Pinterest account, I have the copyright to my presentations, please do not copy.