You don't remember, being up On High, but I do assure you, of that, you were definitely there, took sides between Jesus and Satan; why you are where: you are at now.
This battle, between two brothers, it was about their existing realm realities, one projecting views of its fact, reflecting on what was known; stated it realistically: was the other.
Satan's views of life, were strange, create host, imagined, who dwelt below ground, dwelling all them in darkness; not as Angel were: in light.
Part of the brethren, sided they with Satan's opinions, thought that the confusion, it was all funny; used it to see: just how far it would go.
Just, before that, a visitor, unknown to Angel, spoke, commanded changes in their realm, all of Him; they could acknowledge: was a thundering loud voice.
There was no host below, but above them, took Him a third of the Angelic host, placed them, in their personal realm, below, apart from Angel, giving them, wherever they were; portion of them: flesh.
Author Notes
The origin of our universe, by my interpretation: of the Holy Text statement.