- Scene at a Third Party 40by Bill Schott
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a scene with Pons and Ned
Scenes at a Third Party
: Scene at a Third Party 40 by Bill Schott

Ned Nuckledd = Presidential candidate
Pons Maninoff = Ned's cousin and apologist.
Skar = (Oscar Kilo, Pons's clone) Vice Presidential nominee
LorDee (Loralie DeSilva) = Presidential advisor
MauMau = media coordinator
AA (Abecedari Ann) = Poet Laureate / Pons' girlfriend
Betty Biggins = campaign manager/ Ned's girlfriend
C1 (Campaign Aide 1)
Felix Fine = head of security
Powell Wrent = CNN News reporter
Even Ghali = Astrologer
Hed O'deklas = clone keeper
RFC (Radical Female Character)
Ron Rump = former president
MAGA Molly = presidential running mate
Job ByThen = current president
Cabala Harrassed = current VP
Swan Ham-n-cheese = FOX opiner

The scene continues as the debate with Ned, President ByThen, and Ronald Rump.  Others call in from the perimeter.

 : (on the left side, speaking to Powell Wrent) The outcome of this election will be in the hands of the stars, Mr. Wrent.  You are Powell Wrent from CNN, right?

Powell : Yes, I am Powell Wrent and THIS is CNN.
Even : Well, this is actually --

Hed: (interrupting) Did you two hear what Rump said about eliminating cloning?

Powell : Did you wish to comment, Mr. --

Hed: O'deklas. Hed O'deklas.

Powell : (looking around) Am I being goofed? 

Even : It depends. Are you a Taurus? You feel a little lost? You want to move mountains and use all our energy and enthusiasm to try to do so.
Powell : That sounds a bit like me. 
Even : At the same time though, you feel that all efforts have been in vain.
Powell : Well, I --. 
Even : It pays to remember one of the hard facts of life - take nothing for granted. You shouldn't let that keep you from trying to make changes to things around you. Be vigilant.
Powell : The only thing is -- I'm not a Taurus. 

Hed: (interrupting) Clones! They want to make them illegal.
Swan : (shouting from the proctors' table) I hear you citizen!  The King and future King, Ronald Rump, will be shifting the guidance for the duplication of people from the federal government to the back alleys and skid row locations of each of the fabulous fifty states, where local prejudices can drive the ungodly practice back into the paperback science fiction books . 

Hed: The government has no restrictions or guidance now. This is overreach at its worst. 
Even : Not to worry, Mr. Oderkoless.

Hed: That is not my name.

Even : Are you sure? I am pretty sure your name is Oderkoless. At any rate, Ronald Rump is a Gemini. He has the natural ability to accomplish a great deal rather easily, but today he may feel snowed under with projects. Things around him might be moving quickly, and perhaps he's having difficulty dealing with it all. He will likely drop this rather small issue and concern himself with the further gating away of America from the world. 

Hed: Well, that's good news. 

: (stepping in from the somewhere) What's going on here?! Is there a disturbance? I am Felix Fine, head of security.
MauMau :  (shouting from the proctors' table)  Hey! What is going on over there? Fox? Is that you, Fox? Hey look, Radical Female Character, it's Fox Fine. I heard on the wise-cracker line that he is a clone.

Felix : (mouth agape)  Who said he was a clone?

MauMau Oh, say there, Felix.  I don't remember exactly, but that little fella standing next to you could be a clone of the guy.

Felix looks to Hed O'deklas.

Hed: (sheepishly) Some people cannot keep a secret. 
Felix : Does Fox know?
Hed: He came to my place with his female companion.
Felix : Lois?
Hed: It could have been Cha Cha Gotmorr for all I know. 
Felix : Who's Cha Cha Gotmorr?
Hed: She's the sister of the dimwitted wife on Spleen Achers.
Felix : Oh yeah -- Iva Gotmorr.
Hed: Right. Also --
Felix : Wait! Stop! Does Fox know or not?
Hed: He did not hear it from me. 
Felix : Did he hear it from someone else?
Hed: Look. I'm just a hat and glove store operator. The cloning I do to make ends meet.  I am not a mind reader.
Felix : How can you run a hat store and clone people too?
Hed: Many clones make light work.
To be continued....

Author Notes
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