- Scene at a Third Party 39by Bill Schott
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a scene with Pons and Ned
Scenes at a Third Party
: Scene at a Third Party 39 by Bill Schott

Ned Nuckledd = Presidential candidate
Pons Maninoff = Ned's cousin and apologist.
Skar = (Oscar Kilo, Pons's clone) Vice Presidential nominee
LorDee (Loralie DeSilva) = Presidential advisor
MauMau = media coordinator
AA (Abecedari Ann) = Poet Laureate / Pons' girlfriend
Betty Biggins = campaign manager/ Ned's girlfriend
C1 (Campaign Aide 1)
Felix Fine = head of security
Powell Wrent = CNN News reporter
Even Ghali = Astrologer
Hed O'deklas = clone keeper
RFC (Radical Female Character)
Ron Rump = former president
MAGA Molly = presidential running mate
Job ByThen = current president
Cabala Harrassed = current VP
Swan Ham-n-cheese = FOX opiner

The scene continues on the sidelines with the staff and visitors chiming in on the debate with Ned, President ByThen, and Ronald Rump. 

Ron : Once I am back in the saddle, I am going to eliminate the practice of cloning people at a whim. 

Hed:  (
calling from the crowd)   Why would you do such a thing?

Ned: Yeah! You ain't helpin' no one by 'liminatin' calonin'.

Ron : What about the debacle at your headquarters where your clone, Genocide Ambivolent Dude, ran amok killing people left and right. 

Betty : We have never heard of this person.

Ned: No we ain't. The only person what done anythin' like that was GED. 

Ron : That is probably who I'm talking about -- this Jed fellow.  
Ned: Well, GED ain't no killer. Now I ain't gonna talk 'bout that zombie what D-red, the Agent a Deaf fer bugs and such, brung from wherever he come. 

RFC speaks up from her hosting chair.

RFC: Did you say zombie? Did you say Agent of Death?

Ned: Fer bugs and such. 

Job : (
speaking to Ned) Wait, young man! Are you saying that you had a murderer at your campaign headquarters? 

Felix: I can speak to that. 

Betty: (
to Felix) No one is asking you, Flicks.

Ron : Let the fellow talk, Miss Biggins. Meanwhile, make sure Molly gets your phone number. 

Job : (speaking to Ron) Are you actually hitting on that woman?

Ron : They expect it. 

Ned: Did I hear what I thunk I heert? 

Ron : Did you hear "Ned, you're a loser!" Because that is what I heard.

Ned: Oh, okay then. I could a swore it was sumppin differ'nt. 
Job : What about the murder and zombie and Agent of Death?

Ned: -- a bugs and such.

Ron : Ned, you're a loser!  Wow, I heard it again.
Swan: It sounded like a majority of this capacity crowd, obviously drawn here to hear President Trump speak, is unable to control their opinion of the independent candidate.  

Job: Their opinion of the candidate ought to be decided by them, Mr. Ham-n-cheese, not your slanted and mostly deceptive commentary.
Pons:  (to Ned)  Pssst!  Ned! Change the subject and get it back on something else.
MauMau: Don't sweat it, Pons. I will get us back on track.

Ned: There anybody here knows anythin' 'bout unfusin' a bomb?
Everyone in the environment goes silent, then all say "What?!"

To be continued....

Author Notes
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