Think not dear friends that we're not thinking
as we think about the past,
as we're-thinking-thoughts of all those times
thinking friendships never last-
Becaues we know-now so much better
as the friendships we have gained,
guide us through the toils of life
with wisdom ascertained.
The truth is in experience,
once experience is known,
then we recognise those friendships
where the friendship tree has grown-
And should occasions fall apart
where living needs a hand,
that friendship shown will take a rest
there quietly to stand.
Friendship knows no boundaries
of distance, time or place,
those souls secured in friendship
you will find, are not displaced.
True friendship finds a freedom
to expand, or not, your circle,
but should you sleep that extra hour
you'll witness no debacle.
There are friends abound though yet unknown
be sure to extend your hand,
let it be known that all are welcome
to broaden your friendly band.
Be sure, in need, true friendship shows
what ere the need required,
a friendly touch, a welcome arm
when friendship is desired.
True Friendship nere deminishes........2pp