- This Poem Is About A Womanby bob cullen
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This Poem Is About A Woman by bob cullen
A poem about a Woman contest entry

This poem is about a woman, who frightens me most every day,
She's been around for forty years and I love, honour and obey.
Guess that's how I have survived so long, I nod an' say, 'Yes dear.'
Then I run clear out the room, rather than display my fear.
This poem is about a woman, the one who controls all I think an' say,
She's not big or angry, but I'm too frightened to ever think I'd disobey.
Her eyes can fill with fury and my mouth opens, an' I say, 'Yes dear.'
Then I run seeking relief, thanking God the door's so near.
This poem is about a woman, for forty years she has ruled my life,
Was good fun till the day we wed and she became the wife.
When the ring went on 'er finger she made things so very clear, 
No more partying with the lads, your ev'ry response is now, 'Yes dear.'
This poem is about a woman, who gives me all I need,
An' if I do what she tells me, some nights I'll get a feed.
Some nights she gets all frisky, she'll even offer me a beer
Smiles, then downs two or three, winks. 'Tonight's your night, Yes Dear.'
The years have brought many changes, age welcomes, 'Yes Dear.'
Remembering the days long past, some nights there's even been a tear.
Forty years together and there's absolutely nothing I would delete,
I will thank the Lord for every day, she made my life complete.



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