- Three Fairies and a Babyby GoWiSt
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Three Fairies and a Baby by GoWiSt
The Fairies and the Baby writing prompt entry

“We can’t have a baby,” Flex said resolutely, fixing his eyelashes.

“I want a baby!” Fabio pouted, stomping a foot.

“But we’re always on the road,” Felix pointed out, applying his mascara. “How would we care for it?”

“A traveling nurse?” Fabio eagerly offered. “You know we can afford it. A baby would be so cute!”

Pausing from his eye preening, Flex scoffed. “Imagine that--‘The Fairies’ with a baby, on non-stop shows. Ridiculous, it just wouldn’t work.”

Fabio angrily ruffled his wig then tore it off his head. “I want a baby!” he screamed. “Let’s vote!”

They did. It was 2-to-1 against Fabio. So, they adopted a baby—because it was Fabio, and he’d not stop giving them hell until they did.

It was a girl. Flex wanted to name her Amber. Felix liked Chantelle. So, they went with Betty-Belle—BeBe, for short—‘cause that’s what Fabio chose.

It was agreed that BeBe would primarily be Fabio’s responsibility.

Despite hiring an excellent nurse, with the constant crying, sleepless nights, incessant poop-cleanings and general 24-7 attention involved, Fabio decided to put BeBe in a private home, where she’d be cared for by surrogate parents.

The group, mostly to please and help-out Fabio, would pay $5,000 a month for BeBe’s upkeep and try to visit her as often as they could.

“I want a doggie!” Fabio cried out, six months later. “A cute Pomeranian or Pembroke Welsh Corgi.”

“I want a gun!” Felix said, glaring menacingly at Fabio. “A cute, big gun!”

“Way ahead of you,” Flex said, brandishing and cocking a shotgun.

There was no more talk of cute doggies—or cute anything else.

Writing Prompt
Write a flash fiction story called "The Fairies and the Baby".
The story should be no longer than 300 words.
The story can be for adults or children.
The fairies can be of any tradition from Victorian flower fairies to Shakespearean fairies to trooping fairies and beyond.
Have fun!

Author Notes
274 words


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