- You Don't Know Meby jim vecchio
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I'm in the background
You Don't Know Me by jim vecchio
Free Verse Poetry Contest contest entry

I adore the sea of faces
Each one so elegant, unique
Yes, I love those faces
But only from a distance
When there is a connection
I fear rejection

This, my friend, is no deception
When other’s eyes peer at me
I am no longer invisible
But vulnerable, naked
For I want to please them all
Though I fear rejection


When there is no means of escape
And no visible protection
I shrink in size
And my voice stutters
And I want to be anywhere else
Save the path of rejection

Do I excessively ponder-
Dwelling on the worst?
Is it a matter of introspection
That I abhor judgments
And attempt to divert gaze,
Fearing rejection?

I long to know
And love you so
But I’m so afraid
To give my greatest gift
I covet your affection
But I can’t reach you
I fear rejection


Author Notes
Please remember there is always someone in the background who needs kind words and attention.


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