- Mack and Willby Jodi Ann Anderson
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An adultified version of a Mother Goose rhyme.
Mack and Will by Jodi Ann Anderson
Mother Goose Redux writing prompt entry

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.
Mack and Will ran to the still,
To steal some jars of moonshine.
Mack fell down, a drunken clown,
Then Will laughed, stumbling after.
Drank a lot,and smoked some pot,
And rolled more joints in paper,
Will crashed in bed, Mack thinks he's dead,
Getting high on dank weed vapor.

Writing Prompt
Rewrite a favorite nursery rhyme. Choose a well-known offering from Mother Goose and tweak it. It could be modernized, politicized, adultified, etc. Add humor, horror, modern lingo... Get creative.
Make sure the original rhyme is still identifiable.

Author Notes
IĆ¢??m giving a shout out to Arisa Chattasa for the photo.
I had fun with this one!


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