- View from Landby Pamusart
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Two friends on a beach come face to face with a dead man
View from Land by Pamusart

The sailboat on the crested wave
Is knocked about by ocean spray
The captain’s killed; so very brave
So many times, he’s saved the day
He watched the sunset ev’ry night;
his pipe’s tobacco tamped right down
He’d watch until the morning’s light,
then watch the sun put on his crown
What happened there, we’ve got no clue
We barely see it from the sand 
We’ve  got a dif’rent point of view 
because we're tethered to the land
The coast guard later held its sway
A nat’ral death, the papers  print
The doctors hesitate to say
Of cause of death, there’s not a hint
My friend and I were not  aware
Until the body came ashore
We saw his eyes, their vacant stare
He wasn’t watching any more


Author Notes
About two kids spending a day at the beach. Death occurs on a distant sailboat and comes to shore to haunt them.

Credit google for the chosen image


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