- Trumpian Nightmaresby jake cosmos aller
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Trumpian Nightmares
Trumpian Nightmares by jake cosmos aller
Political Poetry writing prompt entry

Watching the latest polls

Showing that trump

Is leading in the polls

In the crucial battleground states,

Makes me wonder

Just what is wrong

With the average American.

Trump is on trial

Charged with over 90 felonies

Trump has been found liable

For defamation and sexual assault

Also found liable

for over 450 million dollars

In financial fraud.

Not to mention that Trump

Lost more jobs during his time

In office than any other President.

Trump presided over

A collapsing U.S.

 and World Economy

Due to his bungling

of the covid crisis.

Trump led an insurrection

An attempted coup

To stop the transfer of power

To his elected successor.

Trump to his fervid supporters

Has been anointed by god

And is a Christian godly man.

In reality, he is the poster child

Of the seven deadly sins

That Christians are supposed

To be against.

So many people

Who worked for Trump

Have come out saying

That he is a dangerous delusional

Psychopathic madman

Who should never be allowed

Back in power.

So many people

Have concluded that Trump

If he returns to power

He will usher in Christian fascism.

 he promises to deport

Millions of people

He promises to declare martial law

He promises to dismantle

 the federal government.

He promises to reverse any progress

On combating climate change

Giving big coal and big oil

Everything that wants

So they can continue to rape

The planet

And make obscene profits.

provided that they donate

“one billion dollars”

in campaign donations.

Yet despite all of this clear evidence

of his massive corruption

and unfitness for office,

40 percent of my fellow Americans

Plan to vote to return him to office

I conclude with the scene

From one of the Star Wars movies

When Darth Vader is given

Unlimited powers,

And the galactic senate

Erupts in applauds

As the narrator intones

“This is how freedom dies

With thunderous applause.”

Sinclair Lewis

In his epic 1935 novel,

“it can’t happen here”

Wrote that when fascism

Comes to America

It will come wrapped in a flag

And carrying a cross.

And that my friends

Is how American democracy

May end in a few short months.

Vote wisely for this could be

The last free election

In the U.S.

and we become

another failed

illiberal democracy

like his authoritarian heroes

Orban and Putin.


Writing Prompt
Write a political poem. Any type of poem that you wish.

Author Notes

Political Poetry
Write a political poem. Any type of poem that you wish.


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