- Happy, happy, happyby JLR
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life in the present moment
Happy, happy, happy by JLR
What Makes Me Happy writing prompt entry
Artwork by avmurray at

A friendly face not seen for too long a spell.
Bells from the nearby church fill the air.
Meadowlark’s nest-building to indwell.
While eagerly awaiting chicks hatching in there.
The crack of thunder and flash of lightning.
Twisting tree limbs are seen dancing in the light.
Raindrops splashing, soulfully enlightening.
While gazing into the night, with all my might.
God’s good grace, strong mind, body, and soul.
The love of my life who makes me feel sappy
as we go hand in hand on an evening stroll.
These things, and so much more, make me happy.

Writing Prompt
Write a rhymed poem, minimum three stanzas long, on what makes you happy. Any rhyme scheme. Any style poem.


Author Notes
Triple rhyming stanzas --- What makes me happy

Thanks for the use of I'm Singing in The Rain......


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