- In the Beginningby Tom Horonzy
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Genesis 1:1
In the Beginning by Tom Horonzy
First Line Flash writing prompt entry

In the beginning...
God created the heavens and the earth... out of nothing; a void. There were no stars, no nearby planets. I liken it to a magician pulling a rabbit from a hat. First, an ear, a paw, and finally a cute and fuzzy scut, save that His finished, or not, product may still be coming forth. 
Can anyone declare in the affirmative that He isn't creating more today? The James Webb Space Telescope, our window into the unknown, uncovers more daily. Each new image is a testament to the endless possibilities that lie beyond our reach. (I would have used discover, but after giving thought, whatever was found was already there.)
How much more space can there be? Voyager just reconnected with Earth after five months of silence on April 24th, twenty-twenty-four, from a distance of 15,124,789,566 miles. The message received, using light time, which travels at nearly three hundred thousand miles per second, took 22 hours, 33 minutes, and 12 seconds to reach us. Is space like God, infinite?
Has, or had the 'In the beginning ' typed at the start of this story an end? Other than Him, who is to know? How much further can Voyager go? I guess we will never know, for even if NASA stops receiving it wouldn't mean Voyager won't be transmitting after another, perhaps longer, pause.
To close, I have two last thoughts crossing my mind, they being whether Voyager ever saw Enterprise pass by, and is warp speed faster or slower than the speed of light?

Writing Prompt
Choose a first line from a famous novel, and continue on with a story of your own. (Google will quickly give you a listing of first lines, if needed). List the novel in the notes.
No poetry
Any genre
300 words approx. limit

Ex: It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, and I had a flat tire at rush hour...
(A Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens)

Author Notes
This was a fun write to writ. I mused for awhile to select which book to choose, but since I read it more often than any other it seemed to be the best choice for me.

The picture is of a mural behind The Christus statue at the visitor center of The Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints in Salt Lake City. (2014)


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