- High Tech Intruderby Debi Pick Marquette
This work has reached the exceptional level
Caught off guard (Fictional)
High Tech Intruder by Debi Pick Marquette

As I unlocked the door

   I knew I'd have to explore

  I thought I heard the strangest sound

  I would check it out, no one's around

 But heard it once again and was irate

Then I called the cops so they'd investigate

 The most embarrassed feelings I have ever had

I Forgot I changed the text sounds on my new iPad 


Author Notes
I wrote my Crescendo starting at 6 syllables, increasing one syllable in each line, to 13 syllables. Rhyme not a problem, but difficult to do in meter.

This week we are writing a CRESCENDO You may use the club picture or one of your own. If you need help, please do not hesitate to ask. Crescendo is an Italian word that means a gradual increase. Its usually used for music but can be used for any kind of increasement. FORM: In poetry use 8 lines with an increasing one syllable per line. For example: 6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13 OR 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8 ANY combination. Use personification of something in nature and how it relates to a human experience. Any theme. Free Verse or Rhymed and metered. not Japanese and follows same rules of syllable and lines count.


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