- Mother's Grace by Michael Craig
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I wrote this poem when my mother passed away
Mother's Grace by Michael Craig
Faith Poetry Contest contest entry

God gave her grace when she was born.
With Presence and beauty, she was adorned.
When she smiled her green, emerald eyes,
sparkled like stars in the night sky.
Dark as coal was her hair,
setting off a complexion so fair.
She walked in God's shadow never to waver.
Strength or steel God gently gave her.
Never breaking a promise or uttering a four-letter word.
She never smoked nor drank, so true to her word.
In eternal slumber she now sleeps.
Waiting for the almighty she shall meet.
Her mortal body, her essence escapes,
accompanied by cherubs to the pearly gates.
Greetings and embraces along her way,
by loved ones and friends, passed away.
Hallelujah, God's brought an angel forth.
To guide us along the righteous course.
No if and or buts about it,
Our guarding angel, no doubt about.
In our heart's she will resonate,
until we are reunited at heaven's gate.

Author Notes
A poem I wrote when we lost are mother.


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