- Ambivalenceby Gypsy Blue Rose
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2024 Gypsy's Free Verse
: Ambivalence by Gypsy Blue Rose

I thought he was the one

but he was not

he is only dust from my past

our memories

are enmeshed in disarray

swept under time’s carpet

midst his ambivalence 

and cruelty

if thoughts of him surface

u n i n v i t e d

I say my mantra

“d o n' t    g o    t h e r e”

once I considered death

but I'm still here

I survived 



Author Notes
If you or someone you know is suicidal tell him or her that life gets better
*** 988*** is the suicide and crisis line

free verse

thank you very much for taking the time to review my poem,


pictures from my Pinterest account


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