Skulls and cross bones.
Hazmat signs and suits.
Dead trees. Dead birds
Scattered across the asphalt
Like broken bottles or empty cans
Where the traffic circles
Under the vultures. Smoke.
Soot. Incinerator ash
Settling on the landfills.
Toxic waste sites. Red flags.
Each year, autumn seems to begin
Later and later. Limp trees
Shrivel and wither
Before the cold air comes.
Lakes that once froze over
Remain strangely unfrozen.
Snow that I remember
Melts before it settles down.
What has become of the magic
Holding our world together,
Conjuring the crystalline winter?
Has it melted away too?
What if it melts away altogether?
What if the North Pole
And the glaciers on the Matterhorn
Disappear for good?
What if the seasons spin out of orbit?
What if the rains we pray for
Pass over us and leave us
To fend for ourselves in a desert?