buried in his vineyard—
becomes compost
Author Notes
The Vintner is buried in his land and his remains provide nourishment for the vineyard he loves. He becomes one with the grapes. It's a zen concept.
the 6-word contest rule is to write a poem in any poetic form. I chose haiku.
Vines = a grape plant for making wine
Vintner = vineyard owner
JISEI HAIKU (death poem) is a genre of Japanese poetry. It offers a reflection on the imminent death of the author. It originated in Zen Buddhism. They tend to offer a reflection on death coupled with a meaningful observation of life. The poem's structure can be written in haiku 5/7/5 or tanka 5/7/5/7/7 form, which can have fewer syllables. Death poems are typically graceful, natural, and emotionally neutral. Death is described, metaphorically, references such as sunsets, autumn or falling cherry blossom suggest the transience of life. wikipedia
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"Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason." - Novalis
Painting by Giuseppe Pino