Years blend together, me and my faithful companion.
Eyes of different colors. One broken and lost.
Loved by me. You stayed by my side.
Little by little, holes eat into your second coat.
Oldest, dearest friend.
Worn and tattered: My cherished playmate.
People change. Friends come; they go. We grow. Yet,
United as one, you're still here. Constant and steadfast.
Priceless treasure.
Precious and forever
You're the piece I'll never let go.
Author Notes
Meet Yellow Puppy! This is not her original color or design. (She used to look like a Cocker Spaniel puppy; however, as you can see, she's well-loved.) A family friend offered to give her a new coat when I was young, and while I hesitated to give Yellow Puppy up, I agreed. This friend worked hard and returned her two days later. My new Yellow Puppy shocked me, and Mom worried I wouldn't love her as much, yet she shouldn't have. It was still my Yellow Puppy!
I've wanted to write an acrostic poem about her for a while, and while I love the result, I'm unsure about the first stanza. Do you have any suggestions for how I could improve and strengthen it?