Please join me in remembering
A fine iconic chum
Who filled the food community
With "Puffed-up Rising" “YUM”
"Poppin' Fresh" has lost his life
Alas, to "Yeast" infection
Unfortunate, untimely
It had gone without detection
And trauma borne from belly pokes
Upon examination
Left "Doughboy" with no chance at all
For rehabilitation
The coffin chose for his last bed
In oil was "Lightly Greased"
And dozens of celebrities
Turned out for the deceased
Mourners there were Hungry Jack
And California Raisins
With Betty Crocker, Captain Crunch
Seen at the visitations
While Aunt Jemima’s eulogy
With love and sadness heeded
That "Poppin'" never quite did know
How much that he was "Kneaded"
Born and "Bread" in Minnesota
With natural born talent shown
As "Crescent Roll" he thrived
"Rising" quickly as a star
On National TV
His "Turnover" in later life
Was quite the mystery
Not smartest "Cookie" in the jar
Now looking back, it seems,
He wasted most of all his "Dough"
On wacky, "Half-baked" schemes
Despite a little "Flaky"
Through the years he grew to be
A "Crusty" old, but model "Roll"
In cuisine history
"Play Dough," his surviving wife
A mom so dear and lovin’
To John and Jane and "Dosie Dough"
And "Bun" still in the oven
Sunday marked the funeral
As scheduled with these limits
The service set: "3:50"
Lasting: "Only 20 Minutes"