- Life's Twisted Road - Chap 12by Begin Again
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Bobby's road to destruction
Life's Twisted Road
: Life's Twisted Road - Chap 12 by Begin Again

Gabby raised her tear-stained eyes and looked at Isabella. "No, it's just like my period, but I know it's not." Her face puckered, and she started to cry again.

"Don't fret. We'll get you cleaned up and then get help."

"Isabella, I can't go to the hospital. They'll notify my father."

Isabella's head bobbed up and down. She knew Gabby was right. She could only imagine the scene he'd create. "Okay, you bathe, and I'll contact a dear friend of mine. She'll be able to help us."

Steam rolled out of the bathroom. "Your shower awaits you." Isabella waited till Gabby disappeared behind the bathroom door before she reached for the phone, dialing the one person she knew she could count on.



Isabella listened to the phone ringing at the other end. "Come on, I need you." Her wish was answered.


"Amanda, It's Isabella. I've got a young girl in need of help. I know you did similar things in Ireland, and I know it's a lot to ask, but could you —"

"Stahp right dere, Isabella. No need to explain. Tell me what ya need."

"Some place safe to stay and a doctor." Isabella glanced toward the bathroom door. She could still hear the water in the shower. "I'll explain more later, but for now she needs help before her father shows up, pounding on my door."

"Say no more. In twenty minutes, Paddy'll be in de alley. "ave de garage door opened. We can whesk 'er away in nahthin flat."

"Thank you, Amanda. You and Paddy are the best!"

"Dat's what friends are fahr. Now Paddy doesn't 'ave a license to practice over here, but 'e was a family dahctor fahr nigh on to fahrty five years at 'ome."

"Wonderful. If Paddy feels she needs to be hospitalized, of course, I'll take care of that."

"Now, go take care o' de girl. I'll send Paddy ahn 'is way." As she finished her sentence, she disconnected the line. Amanda was on a mission, a very familiar one in her homeland. Together, Paddy and she had helped many an Irish lass.


Isabella and Gabby were waiting when Paddy pulled into the garage. She'd been worried about sending the girl with a stranger, but that fear dissipated as soon as she opened the car door. Recognizing Gabby, he'd smiled and told Isabella he'd take it from here, before backing out of the garage. And just in the nick of time.

Having returned inside, Isabella poured a cup of coffee, wondering how long it would take before Bobby showed up at her doorstep. He knew the three girls spent time together at her house, using the upstairs as their personal clubhouse. If one was in trouble, the other two were always close by.

The shrill ring of the telephone startled Isabella. Her coffee sloshed, spilling over the rim of her cup. She grabbed a hand towel and wiped away the liquid before answering.


"Isabella, it's Amanda. She's safe now. Paddy's 'avin a look at 'er now. What a soehrprise it was to see it was de lass we met in de park."

"What a relief. I'm sure Gabby felt better. She understood I needed to get her to safety, but I can understand how nervous she would be with strangers. As soon as I can, I'll be over. I fear her father —"

The sound coming from the front of the house sent a chill down Isabella's spine. Her words caught in her throat.

"Isabella — Isabella, are ya okay?"

"He's —he's here." She could hear someone pounding violently against the wooden door. "I'm not sure —"

"Isabella, dahn't open de door." Amanda's voice quivered, "Do you 'ere me?" When Isabella didn't respond, Amanda screamed into the receiver, "Isa—bell—a."

Isabella moved slowly into the front room, lifting the edge of the drapes so she could peer outside. She saw Bobby's truck with a blonde woman inside. The tall evergreen near the front porch hid the assailant, but she had no doubt who it was.

"Go away or I'll call the police." Isabella yelled.

A red-faced Bobby snarled, "If you know what's good for you, you'll give me my daughter. I know she's in there."

Isabella lied, "You're wrong. Gabby's at school."

"No, she's not. I've already checked with them." He punched the door and then kicked it with his steel-toed boot. The handle rattled and Isabella's eyes widened. She thought she heard the sound of wood splintering.

Terrified, she hurried to the kitchen, grabbed the phone, and screamed, "Amanda, call 911."

"Paddy already did. Jooust hang on fer a few more minutes."

Isabella's eyes darted around the kitchen, searching for a line of defense. She saw the cast iron frying pan on the stove. Clutching the pan, she moved closer to the front room again. The incessive pounding made the picture on the wall crash to the floor.

Isabella gathered all her courage and yelled, "The police are on the way, Bobby."

"The hell with you woman. She's my daughter and you can't keep her from me."
The pounding stopped.

Isabella listened. The sound of a racing engine and tires squealing told her Bobby had left, at least for now. Her fingers unlocked the frying pan, allowing it to crash to the floor. She collapsed into the nearest chair, shaking violently. She wasn't aware of the police entering through her back door until they were at her side. She stared at them through glassy eyes.

"You okay, ma'am?"

All Isabella could do was nod.


"Bobby, stop! You're going to kill both of us." Judy's small frame slammed against the truck door as Bobby made a sharp turn onto a side street.

He slammed his fist against the steering wheel. "Nobody gets away with treating me like a secondhand citizen." he growled, "Not Jackson. Not some old lady. And not a punk kid who knocked up my daughter. Somebody's going to pay."

"Bobby, sweetie, you need to calm down." Judy forced a weak smile. "We need to think this through. Make a plan."

"A plan —" Bobby slammed on the brakes. The truck rocked back and forth. "Roll down your window."

"What? I don't —"

"Shut up and do it." Bobby honked his horn and waved at the man getting into his car. An eerie look covered his face. He leaned across the seat. "Hey, man, want to do some business?"

Juan recognized Bobby. He scanned the street, looking up and down. "Sure, but not here. Down by the docks, behind the condemned warehouse."

"Meet you there." Bobby pulled away, smiling. "Babe, you were right. We needed a plan."

Author Notes
ISABELLA - Natasha's grandmother
DION - Star quarterback and Jason's best friend
GABBY - Jason's girlfriend and best friends with Natasha and Becky
BOBBY - Gabby's father
AUDREY - Bobby's sister and Gabby's Aunt
JUDY -THE BLONDE - Bobby's drinking date for the day
PADDY -THE JOGGER - A nice older Irish gentleman
AMANDA - Paddy's wife
LUCILLE LAKEWOOD - one of the arresting officers
CHARLIE - Department Manager for the Sheriff
JACKSON - the sheriff and the man dating Bobby's sister, Audrey


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