- Life's Twisted Road - Chap 11by Begin Again
This work has reached the exceptional level
Isabella helps Gabby with her dilemma
Life's Twisted Road
: Life's Twisted Road - Chap 11 by Begin Again


Charlie chuckled, "I don't think that man's ever totally sober." A phone rang in one of the other offices, jogging Charlie's memory. "Almost forgot, a woman called this morning asking about bail for Bobby. Told her I hadn't heard anything yet."

"Was it Audrey?" Jackson wondered, his interest piqued, as he considered if she had attempted to bail Bobby out of jail. She'd borrowed money for groceries a few days ago and her payday wasn't until next Thursday. She wouldn't or shouldn't have been able to raise bail even if it had been posted, which it hadn't.

"No, I'd have recognized her voice. And I don't think it was Gabby either."

"I can't imagine who would want to throw good money away to bail his butt out of jail." Jackson shook his head. "Come on. Lakewood. Let's you and I go cruise the town for a while. Maybe Bobby will wear himself out."

Church bells rang and the choir sang. The Pastor raised his hands high above the altar and said the Lord was smiling down on their community. It was a peaceful day.

Then it was Monday. Some would say the threatening storm clouds told the story. Bobby made bail.



The remainder of the weekend had been peaceful for Gabby. Natasha and Becky had kept her entertained into the wee morning hours. Isabella, sensing Gabby needed the downtime, hovered in the background, offering comfort food and a change of clothing. She'd rummaged through a dresser where she'd stored things that Natasha had left behind from time to time and found a fresh shirt and even a set of pajamas. On Sunday night, she shooed her granddaughter and Becky out, sending them home so Gabby could get some much-needed sleep.


"I won't forget this, Jackson. You had no right." Bobby snarled at the sheriff as he was escorted out of the police station. "My sister's going to get an earful."

"Just keep walking, Bobby, or you'll find yourself behind bars again." Lucille Lakewood had heard enough of his rantings to last a lifetime. "There are laws about threatening law enforcement."

Bobby scoffed, "Humph! I know more about enforcing the laws than all of you. Just because you hide behind a badge doesn't make any of you better than me."

As they reached the front doors, Lucille stopped and addressed another officer. "Give him his belongings and he's free to go." The officer nodded and handed a manilla envelope to him.

Bobby ripped it open and stared inside. "It better all be here."

"Don't worry. You didn't have anything worth having, Bobby." Lucille smirked. "Stay out of trouble, okay?" She turned her back, letting a sigh of relief escape as she headed back to her office.

Good riddance and a few other unladylike thoughts swirled through her mind.


Still muttering, Bobby exited the police station, blinded by the morning sun.

"Bobby — Bobby, over here." Judy's blonde ponytail flopped up and down as she jumped in the air, waving wildly. She wore cotton-candy pink leggings and a matching bolero top, draped low on her sun-tanned shoulders. Layers of dime-store jewelry hung around her neck, accented by large hoop earrings.

Her shiny black patent high heels tapped the pavement as she hurried to meet him, tossing her arms around his neck, and leaving traces of ruby red lipstick across his unshaven face. "I was so worried about you."

"Worried about me? Babe, I've been on vacation." He peered over her shoulder at the vehicle Judy had been leaning against. "That's my truck. How'd it get here? Did one of those dumb-ass cops drive it?"

"Oh, Bobby, now don't get yourself in an uproar. Don't you remember you gave me the keys before we left the bar? I drove it."

Doubtful, Bobby raised his eyebrow and scowled. "I gave my keys to you?"

Judy tipped her head and smiled mischievously at him. "Actually, I picked them up off the bar." Seeing his eyes darken, her lower lip formed a pout before she added, "It's a good thing I did because they were going to impound your truck."

Bobby kissed her cheek. "Thanks, Babe, but how did you know I was getting out of this hellhole?"

"Silly — who do you think paid your bail?" Judy slipped her arm through his and tossed him one of her luscious smiles. "Now, let's get you home and cleaned up. We've got to make up for lost time, right?"

"Hmm, you read my mind." Bobby patted Judy's firm backside as they climbed into his truck.


Isabella enjoyed the serenity of mornings in her kitchen, flipping through magazines, half listening to the newscaster delivering his up-to-date story on worldwide disasters, and of course, baking. Today, her mind was on the young girl sleeping in the spare bedroom. She knew that her father would come looking for her and Isabella shuddered at the thought. Drinking and brawling in the street wouldn't provide Gabby with the love and support she needed.

The delicious aroma of freshly baked blueberry muffins filled the kitchen. Bacon, sausage, and a carton of eggs were waiting inside the refrigerator. Isabella was prepared to make a hearty breakfast for the girl before she had to face today's obstacles.

Before school, Natasha had phoned with an update on Dion. He'd been released from the hospital but excused from school for a few days. Miraculously, he hadn't suffered any broken bones. Natasha had expressed her concerns about Bobby as well.

Isabella sipped her morning French Vanilla cappuccino, one indulgence she stubbornly refused to give up, regardless of her doctor's suggestions. She decided to allow Gabby to sleep as long as she could, hoping disaster in the form of her father wouldn't turn up at her door.

An ear-shattering scream came from the upstairs landing startling Isabella. Coffee splattered across the kitchen floor and counter as her cup fell from her hand. Ignoring the mess, she hastened out of the kitchen, down the hallway, to the stairs.

A terrified Gabby stood trembling at the top of the steps. Bright red stains covered the bottom of her borrowed pajamas. "Isabella, what's happening?"

Moving faster than she thought possible, the elderly woman climbed the stairs while reassuring the frightened girl. "It's okay, Gabby. We've got this."

Imagining that the bed would have stains as well, Isabella steered the young girl into her bedroom. Opening a drawer, she pulled out a long flannel nightgown and tossed it to Gabby. "Sorry, but it's the best I can do. Sit on the bed while I run the shower for you." Isabella started toward the bathroom but stopped. "I didn't ask, but do you think you're still bleeding?"

Gabby raised her tear-stained eyes and looked at Isabella. "No, it's just like my period, but I know it's not." Her face puckered, and she started to cry again.

"Don't fret. We'll get you cleaned up and then get help."

"Isabella, I can't go to the hospital. They'll notify my father."

Isabella's head bobbed up and down. She knew Gabby was right. She could only imagine the scene he'd create. "Okay, you bathe, and I'll contact a dear friend of mine. She'll be able to help us."

Steam rolled out of the bathroom. "Your shower awaits you." Isabella waited till Gabby disappeared behind the bathroom door before she reached for the phone, dialing the one person she knew she could count on.


Author Notes
ISABELLA - Natasha's grandmother
DION - Star quarterback and Jason's best friend
GABBY - Jason's girlfriend and best friends with Natasha and Becky
BOBBY - Gabby's father
AUDREY - Bobby's sister and Gabby's Aunt
JUDY -THE BLONDE - Bobby's drinking date for the day
PADDY -THE JOGGER - A nice older Irish gentleman
AMANDA - Paddy's wife
LUCILLE LAKEWOOD - one of the arresting officers
CHARLIE - Department Manager for the Sheriff
JACKSON - the sheriff and the man dating Bobby's sister, Audrey


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