- Life's Twisted Road - Chap 9by Begin Again
This work has reached the exceptional level
Bobby's uncontrolled short fuse sets off sparks
Life's Twisted Road
: Life's Twisted Road - Chap 9 by Begin Again

With her reading material in hand, she felt relieved for taking the first positive step, regardless of what she decided to do. As they crossed the street and headed to Dion's truck, Bobby and his date exited Bottoms Up, both past the limit of social drinking.

The blonde squealed and pointed at the teenagers. "Bobby, that girl coming out of the clinic is a spitting image of that picture you showed me of your daughter."

Bobby dropped her arm and delivered a string of curse words. His face turned scarlet red. He muttered, "I'll kill him."

Drunk or not, Bobby's adrenaline surged through his veins as he rushed toward his daughter and Dion. Catching the unsuspecting teenager off-guard, Bobby took advantage of his strength from his years in the iron foundry, slamming his shoulder into Dion's back. He stumbled and turned, allowing Bobby to deliver an uppercut to the boy's jaw. Still hurting from slamming the wall earlier, pain shot through the boy's arm as he grabbed his opponent's flannel, bringing both of them to the pavement with punches pounding against each other.

Horrified, Gabby screamed for help. "Stop! Someone make them stop." The blonde, Bobby's drinking partner, stood on the curb, cheering and encouraging him to "teach the boy a lesson."



"Good day, Teresa." Jackson placed his hat on the empty chair and sat down at the table. "It's quiet for a Saturday afternoon."

The young girl poured a steaming mug of black coffee and sat it in front of the sheriff. "Wish I was enjoying the fresh air instead of working. By the time I get off, the sun will have slipped out of sight."

"There's always the moonlight, girl." He laughed. "Look at the bright side, when you're older, you won't have a prune face from getting sunburned all the time."

"Hope you don't offer those words of wisdom to Audrey. You might find yourself with a few teeth missing." Teresa playfully shoved Jackson's shoulder. "Be kind to your woman, Jackson. She needs it. As hard as she works, she doesn't ever seem to get ahead. She didn't look happy when she was in here with Bobby the other day."

"Now, get real, would you look happy sitting with Bobby? He's always complaining about something." Jackson shook his head, thinking of all the problems he'd had with Audrey's brother. "Bowl me up some of that chowder. And a slice of apple pie. My stomach's growling."

Teresa topped off Jackson's coffee and headed for the kitchen, calling out his order.

Jackson raised the mug to his lips, but before he could take a sip, the diner door flew open, slamming against the coat rack. Molly, a cocktail waitress at Bottom's Up, rushed inside. Running wasn't her style and she tried to catch her breath, gulping while delivering her message, "Jackson,— you gotta —come quick. It's Bobby."

"God Almighty, can't a guy sit down to a decent lunch around this town?" Jackson looked at Molly. "Okay, woman, what's he done now? Cheating at cards?"

"No, sir. Him and that football star are duking it out in the middle of the street. I was taking my break and I heard Bobby threaten to kill him."

Jackson shoved back his chair and stood, took a gulp of coffee, and reached for his hat. As he moved toward the door, he called out to Teresa, "Better hold my order. Bobby's at it again."


"Is he going to be okay?" Gabby's eyes shifted from the ambulance to the attending paramedic.

He smiled at Gabby and closed the ambulance door. "Yeah, he's banged up a little, but I think he got the best of the old man."

"The old man is my father." Gabby's eyes darted toward Bobby. He was passed out inside the patrol car. Her stomach did a major somersault, doubling her over. Sour stomach acid threatened to exit her mouth.

"You okay, miss?" The young paramedic yelled to an officer, "I could use some help over here.  A bottle of water and a place for her to sit? I've got to get going."

Officer Lakewood hurried over to Gabby and wrapped her arm around her waist. She nodded at the paramedic. "I got her." Without waiting for a response, she led Gabby away from the gawking crowd, across the street to the park.

Once her charge was seated on a bench, she handed her a bottle of water. Her voice was sympathetic, "Rough day, huh? Any idea why your father and your boyfriend were fighting?"

Gabby swallowed the water and shook her head, without looking directly at the officer. "Dion's not my boyfriend. He was just helping me."

Officer Lakewood was new to the force, but she was already good at her job. She'd seen the crumpled pamphlets strewn across the pavement and beneath the truck. "Helping you — at the clinic?"

Gabby raised her eyes to meet the officer's questioning look. "He's a good friend. He didn't do anything wrong." She paused and pressed the water bottle to her lips, savoring the cool liquid as it washed the foul taste from her throat. "My father — my father works hard. But we've been through some hard times lately. My — my mom died. I guess, he deals with it by drinking."

Lakewood nodded. "I know this is difficult for you, but it's not the first time I've had the opportunity to meet your dad. He's got quite a temper. A witness says he threatened to kill the young man."

Gabby gasped. "He — he's a drunk, but he wouldn't kill anyone." Looking away, she wiped the tears from her eyes. "He's — my father."

"I understand. We all want to look up to our dads. But I have to ask — has he ever physically hurt you or any of your friends?"

The threatening tears spilled over the rims of her eyes, and turned into a cascading waterfall, streaming down her cheeks, and splattering on her shirt. Gabby stood and moved away, turning her back on Lakewood. She wiped her eyes, muttering, "Please, stop with the questions. Haven't I been through enough today?"

"Sure, Honey. I didn't mean to upset you. I'm just doing my job." She started to walk away, but stopped for a moment, adding, "You take care of yourself."

Gabby managed a crooked smile, then asked, "What's going to happen to my dad?"

"Jackson — I mean, the Sheriff, said they'd take him to the station to sober up. He'll either be charged with drunk and disorderly conduct or if the boy presses charges, it could be assault."

"Oh my God! Assault! What does that mean?" Gabby's tear-stained eyes widened in horror.

"Could mean jail time. Depends on the facts."

Gabby yanked her phone out of her jeans pocket. "I've gotta call my Aunt Audrey."

Lakewood's eyebrow arched at the name. "Good. I'm going to get back over there now." As she walked across the street, Gabby's last remark swirled around in her thoughts.

Audrey? Could the aunt be the girl Jackson's been spending time with? Now, won't that be a kettle to fry for the boss?"


Author Notes

DION - Star quarterback and Jason's best friend

GABBY - Jason's girlfriend and best friends with Natasha and Becky

BOBBY - Gabby's father

AUDREY - Bobby's sister and Gabby's Aunt

JUDY -THE BLONDE - Bobby's drinking date for the day

PADDY -THE JOGGER - A nice older Irish gentleman

OFFICER LAKEWOOD - one of the arresting officers

JACKSON - the sheriff and the man dating Bobby's sister, Audrey


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