- Life's Twisted Road - Chap 6by Begin Again
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Gabby and Jason are faced with a difficult challenge
Life's Twisted Road
: Life's Twisted Road - Chap 6 by Begin Again

Audrey wrapped her arm around Gabby's shoulder and squeezed her. "There I go scaring you again. Sorry, Gabby. Go ahead and ask me your hypothetical question."

"Well, I figure you've guessed that the girl is pregnant. My friend suggested she get an abortion, but most of us said that wouldn't be possible without her parent's consent. That's the law, right?"

"Depends on which state you live in, and laws change. Currently, in our state, she can go to the clinic without her parents. It's amazing, but young girls can make medical decisions on their own. My neighbor's thirteen-year-old daughter had to sign the admission papers when she was being admitted to the psychiatric hospital."

A wave of relief washed over Gabby as she leaned her head against her aunt's shoulder. Her decision wasn't made, but she knew she had options now.
A storm was brewing inside and out!

Outside, the oak tree groaned beneath the strong gusts of wind. Its branches scraped across the window like fingernails on a chalkboard. In the distance, dark clouds rumbled, announcing an approaching storm.

Downstairs, a man-made cyclone was in the making. The smell of burnt bacon and banging pans echoed throughout the house, punctuated by Bobby's foul mouth spewing unspeakable mutterings. It was clear his morning wasn't going as planned, but lately, it rarely did. He grabbed a beer from the refrigerator and stomped out of the kitchen. The windowpane rattled and the hinges whined as he slammed the back door behind him. Screeching tires and burnt rubber were Bobby's good morning to the neighborhood. Silence settled over the house.

Gabby snuggled deeper into the warmth of her favorite comforter. It was a birthday gift from her mother, the last one before she lost her battle with breast cancer. Breathing in, Gabby pressed the printed purple lilacs against her face, smiling as she pictured the two of them picking flowers in the springtime, laughing as they so often did.

Her eyes filled with tears. Rolling over, her arm snaked out from beneath the covers and claimed a picture from the nightstand. She hugged it tightly against her chest, desperately trying to will her mom's return.

"Mom, I miss you so much. Do you know how much I need you?" Sniffling, she pulled herself to a sitting position, leaning against the headboard. Plucking a tissue from the box, she wiped her eyes before blowing her nose. "I'm ashamed of what's happened, but I remember you telling me it did no good to cry over spilled milk." The thought brought a tiny chuckle from Gabby. She could see her mom waving her finger in the air and saying, "I'm not happy, Gabby, but it happened. We can't change it. So, let's clean this mess up together."

Together! It was such a comforting thought. Good or bad, Gabby never doubted that her mother would be standing by her side, but then she was gone, leaving her alone with her father. His smoldering anger, fueled by alcohol, made him unreachable to Gabby. She'd leaned on Jason, accepting his love, and ironically, believing they were building a future together. He respected her and never pushed her past her limits when it came to sex, until that one night. That fateful moment when they both needed something more from each other, neither considering the consequences, just the momentary escape into bliss.

Gabby kissed her mother's photo and returned the frame to the nightstand. She stretched, easing the kinks from her body. The bed covers were twisted and knotted from a restless night of tossing and turning. She'd spent hours huddled in the darkness, alternating between anger and tears, praying for guidance.

The buzzing of her cell phone vibrating against the nightstand summoned her. Retrieving it, she stared at the brown-eyed boy looking back at her. It was Jason.

Her heart skipped a beat or two and then took a sharp nose dive. Gabby hesitated to answer. Had he changed his mind? Was love going to triumph? Why would he call otherwise? He'd already made his opinion clear.

While Gabby wrestled with her emotions, the buzzing stopped. The sound of a bugle announced a text message had been received. Taking a deep breath, she opened it while praying for a miracle.

Got practice at 11. Meet me in front of Chuck's Diner at 10. We need to talk.

Gabby stared at the message, searching for a sign.
We need to talk.
Gabby rolled her eyes. "That's an understatement, Jason." She read the text again. His usual heart emoji was missing. Her thoughts were scattered in every direction. Jason was a planner. He knew exactly how his future would evolve. She'd always felt like she fit into those plans, but now, she wasn't so sure. He'd gotten angry and said they were over, but maybe he'd had a chance to think it through. Maybe ... just maybe ... he'd worked out a plan.

Gabby swung her feet from beneath the blankets and over the edge of the bed. She hadn't realized how long she'd spent stewing over the situation. The glaring red numbers on her alarm clock said 8:45. Grabbing her pale lavender robe, she headed to the shower. She wanted to look her best when she met Jason. Adjusting the hot water, she stepped in, toying with the thought of better days.


For a Saturday morning, the streets were still quiet. A few cars were parked outside the diner. Inside, cups of steaming coffee and fresh pastries were being served to the usual gathering of the elders. Outside, Jason polished the hood of his car, working off nervous energy while he waited for Gabby.

She spotted him as she cleared the park. Her stomach did a flip-flop, and she instinctively pressed her palm against it. "Come on, Gabby. It's Jason. It's nothing new. The two of you have walked these sidewalks many times, sharing whatever life brought at the time." But she knew better. This talk wasn't the same and its outcome would change her life.

Smiling nervously, she crossed the street to join Jason by his car. "Do you want to talk over coffee?" Remembering he didn't drink coffee, she added, "Or we could just take a walk."

"No, I've got practice and Coach gets upset if we're late. Let's sit in the car."

"Sure! We don't want to get on the wrong side of Coach." Gabby climbed into the passenger side of the shiny red Camero. The woodsy aroma of air freshener filled the interior. She'd always appreciated how clean and fresh Jason's car was, but this morning, it nauseated her. "Can you put the windows down? It's a little stuffy."

Jason turned to look at her and started the car, opening the windows. "Why don't I park on a side street? Don't need every person going into Chuck's to hear our business." He shifted the car into reverse and backed out into the street.

The silence was deafening. Neither spoke until Jason chose a secluded spot about a few blocks away. He turned the car off, leaned against the headrest, and closed his eyes. Gabby nibbled at her lower lip, waiting for him to say something. Her fingers traced the embroidered hearts on her jeans. She could feel her heart beating against her chest.

What seemed like an eternity to Gabby, he spoke without turning his head to look at her. "I loved you, Gabby. You needed someone to help you through the loss of your mom. It sure as hell wasn't going to be your dad." He paused and reached across to take her hand in his. "I was there for you, Gabby. I was the one wiping away your tears and holding you until you couldn't cry anymore."

"I know, Jason. That's what made me fall in love —"

Jason cut her off before she could finish the thought. "Let me finish, okay?"

She turned away and stared outside, murmuring, "I know we didn't expect —"

We didn't expect.
Her words struck a chord with Jason, and his head snapped toward her, growling, "No, we didn't expect. It wasn't — isn't part of my — our plan. My future is football, not taking care of your baby."

Tears threatened to bubble over the rims of Gabby's eyes. She brushed them away as hurt and anger replaced them. "My baby! I didn't do this alone. If you recall, you were there too."

"I guess — I just thought you'd take precautions. Pop a pill every morning like taking vitamins. Isn't that what you girls do?"

"Birth control? Why would I subject my body to birth control pills when we'd decided to abstain until after we graduated? We decided together. And it's a bit late to think about what we should have done, now isn't it?" She touched her stomach. "There's a baby inside. Our baby. Yours and mine."

Shaking his head, he leaned over and opened the glove compartment. A letter envelope fell out and landed on Gabby's foot. "Can you reach that for me?"

Gabby stared at the envelope as if it was Satan himself.

Irritated, he asked again, "Gabby, would you please pick up the envelope?"

Time stood still. She couldn't move. Her hand refused to cooperate as she stared at the envelope, fearing what might be inside.
A letter of regret or maybe even an accusation? A denial of being the father? Or something else?


Author Notes

BOBBY - Gabby's father

GABBY - the teenage friend of Natasha and Becky

JASON - a star football player and Gabby's current boyfriend


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