- The first Sandraby EILEEN LAW
This work has reached the exceptional level
A fledgling killer and his first attempt
Sandra's Lover
: The first Sandra by EILEEN LAW

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Murder, Killing, mayhem....History. Is it real or just made up?

Big news. Its 2006 and the BTK killer was all over the media. Seems he was quiet for a while and now because of his arrogance, he has been caught. Bind, Torture, Kill. This story fascinated him. How this guy got away with it for almost 4 decades. 10 confirmed killings but who really knows. Killers don't tend to 'slow down' and stop. They can't help themselves once they have got a taste for it. So, the 'quiet' times he must have more victims, but they just can't help it.
Fascinated with serial killers, their methodology and for some of their insanity he read, re-read and researched all he could find on them. He would read crime thrillers and watch whatever documentary he could find on them. Research is the key to gathering enough information to get away with murder.

He thought carefully about how to get his first victim. The where and how, the alibi he had must be tight as can be. Forming habits so people could guess where he would be and then show up at those places. He was frequently at the library. He found a back door and jimmied it open slightly so he could come and go. He practiced. Sometimes for a few minutes and sometimes for an hour or more. Making sure to say both hello and goodbye to the pretty librarian who sat behind the counter.

Weeks ago, he went out of state to several different stores to get his supplies. Women's stockings, tape, zap ties, rope, multiple heavy duty garbage bags. He staked out the best place to dispose of the bags when full. Found a gap in the gate to the local dump. He knew he could get in there at night, and no one would see him. He stashed a shovel just inside the opening and made sure it was still there over several weeks. Spare clean clothes were stashed in a garbage bag close to where the shovel was. It lay there looking like more garbage. He figured out the best victim would be a college age girl. He followed one on her regular routine for a few weeks. Knew where she worked after school, how she got home and what route she took. Some nights she would meet with friends' others she would walk home. He made sure to sit at the park along her walk, casually reading a book under the lights in a rarely travelled part of the park. He would wave and smile as she passed. Soon she would wave back and continue on her way. He is now familiar and there is an unfounded trust between them.

His heart is pounding in his chest, his legs trembling a little with anticipation. His car is parked with all he needs at the ready. He walks into the library, as usual, and smiles at the librarian. He walks to the back area and sits at his cubicle table. Unless you purposefully look, you would almost be unseen while reading there. Puts on the light and opens his book. He waits a few minutes and makes his way to the back of the library, past the older almost never checked out books and slips out the back door. He quickly gets to his vehicle and starts the engine. Within a few minutes he is at the bench in the park.

Sweat is filling his underarms, and he is deliciously scared to undertake this mission but doggedly determined to do it. There she is as usual trudging along the path towards her home. He looks about to make sure no one is in eyesight or earshot of his interlude.

"Marvelous night for a walk, isn't it?" He asks her.

She is somewhat startled and slightly skips a step but says, "yes, it is. I've seen you here before a few times. What takes you out here?" Her pretty blue eyes sparkle in his direction, after all he is a handsome young man.

"I like the quiet." He says smiling back at her. "It's not safe for you to walk through this park alone at night."

"I'm almost home now, just a block or two, I'll be fine." Her long blonde hair is pulled back into a tight ponytail at the back of her neck and is swaying while she walks.

He gets up to walk beside her. She turns to look at him, skeptical. "Uhm what's going on?"

"You dropped your scarf" he says deftly pulling one out of his pocket. One that she had dropped a couple weeks prior.

"Oh, there it is. I thought I lost that one for good." She pauses in her steps to take it from him.
"Here" He says, "Let me help you."

He gently wraps the scarf around her neck. He had just soaked it with chloroform and was careful to make sure that the part saturated was over her mouth.

Suddenly his body fills with adrenaline and with lightning speed he twists the scarf and turns his body, so he is behind her. He whispers in her ear, "It's ok Sandra. Calm down. Come nicely with me and everything will be ok."

She is grasping at the scarf around her neck terror in her eyes. No breath to scream, slowly no strength left to try. She feels the night and darkness closing in around her and her legs getting weak. He guides her in the direction he wants to walk. Now trying to make their walk look like drunken lovers out for a moonlight stroll. Soon enough, he has her near his car. He guides her almost unconscious body into the back seat. Here he has ropes, and he quickly ties her up. He keeps the scarf close to her nose and mouth just close enough to keep her down and subdued but not enough to render her unconscious. He covers her with an old quilt and scatters garbage on top. Making the car look unkempt. If anyone saw it, they would think its just a messy car.
He is shaking, electrified and thrilled, he did it! He has her. Now to go closer to the dump. He must be quick, before he is noticed to not be at the library.

Author Notes
More from our killer - the first attempt.


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