If you only new the darkness within this world,
You would not be so ignorantly happy.
I assume that Mother Earth knows your soul's very young, infantile
& not capable of handling the truth of Reality.
I can't handle dealing with souls like yours...
It just requires so much of my energy to explain everything
i n e v e r y d e t a i l . . .
I don't know if it's just you that causes me to do that but i do know there are many humans like you.
I am glad that my knight(Mason) opened my mind, eyes & heart to what I've been trapped in for 8 years...
it was a cage.
Bars Built out of words:
Manipulation of emotions
Demeaning, Damaging critiques on normal everyday tasks.
I had to hide my feelings. . .
Because it was never about me.
My feelings . . . suffering
were not equally validated
Between us.
It's an invisible,
seemingly unbreakable restraint.
People do not understand most of the restraints and suppressions
I have been tethered with
since I was able to draw.
I c a n n o t a l w a y s u n d e r s t a n d
how I've gotten here.
How could I
let someone poison my mind
like this?